Pretty sure you‘re only using the r-bomb and „mental issues“ in a joking way but its kind of not funny.
Musk is a spoiled, unempathetic, overhyped idiot who claims to be autistic… perfect example that autistic people can be cretins as well.
But a lot of autistic people are getting called the r-word and its not ok. Mental (health) issues are not a stigma. They are okay and normal. Being an asshole isnt normal or okay though.
A little disturbing, ngl. Some might have grown up in a time or place where getting bullied and mistreated was no bid deal. Its actually good to see these things changing.
Pretty sure you‘re only using the r-bomb and „mental issues“ in a joking way but its kind of not funny.
Musk is a spoiled, unempathetic, overhyped idiot who claims to be autistic… perfect example that autistic people can be cretins as well.
But a lot of autistic people are getting called the r-word and its not ok. Mental (health) issues are not a stigma. They are okay and normal. Being an asshole isnt normal or okay though.
Yesh kinda weird how ok a lot of the users here are with using the r-word slur.
A little disturbing, ngl. Some might have grown up in a time or place where getting bullied and mistreated was no bid deal. Its actually good to see these things changing.