Design problem of the Tesla, it allows one to discharge to a point where battery damage can occur. My volt, and my 500e will not allow such. They did this to be able to claim more range without having to increase battery capacity.
And even gasoline vehicles can be damaged by running the tank too low/out.
Fuel pump overheat and strainer clogging is a very real thing when the tank is too low.
Diesels can damage their lift and high pressure pumps when run empty.
My point stands, a gasoline car that is sitting outside in the cold turned off will not damage the car. A Tesla that allows itself to discharge the battery to the point of damaging major components is not suitable for the city with limited charging stations and extremely cold weather.
Design problem of the Tesla, it allows one to discharge to a point where battery damage can occur. My volt, and my 500e will not allow such. They did this to be able to claim more range without having to increase battery capacity.
And even gasoline vehicles can be damaged by running the tank too low/out. Fuel pump overheat and strainer clogging is a very real thing when the tank is too low. Diesels can damage their lift and high pressure pumps when run empty.
My point stands, a gasoline car that is sitting outside in the cold turned off will not damage the car. A Tesla that allows itself to discharge the battery to the point of damaging major components is not suitable for the city with limited charging stations and extremely cold weather.