The long read: From the generic hipster cafe to the ‘Instagram wall’, the internet has pushed us towards a kind of global ubiquity – and this phenomenon is only going to intensify
Take the built environment, its unfriendly to those with low resources
Something I’ve noticed over my 50+ years is how hostile the man-made environment has become to anyone not actively spending money and engaging in commerce. Things like loitering, sleeping, etc. are treated as crimes in almost any public space in the US. I sometimes watch stealth campers on YouTube and it’s insane how just existing somewhere, walking around on foot, or sitting in a parked car marks the person as “highly suspicious”. While ultimately it will be the police who hassle you, most citizens will be super quick to narc on you and call them on you if you look out of place. It’s been embedded into our mindset that anyone not shopping or going to an appointment is a source of “stranger danger”.
And of course, our towns and cities are all built with cars in mind over here. Car traffic, parking, etc, is the topmost concern while pedestrians are a very distant afterthought. There’s many reasons for why it developed this way. Not least of all is how powerful and influential Detroit automakers used to be. But beyond that, our oligarchs like people with vehicles because they tend to have at least some money, and they tend to not stay in one place very long. Movement and turnover is seen as profits.
I feel like the entire world is turning into something sort of like a crowded restaurant. Where you’re allowed to hang out for a little while, but only if you’re spending money, and even then you need to move on quickly so we can get more people in here spending more money. And how everything is a subscription now, and all the games they play to maximize profits with weaponized greed.
It’s a small and stupid example, but the NFL (professional gridiron football) recently caught some bad PR for showing a playoff game on a streaming service that required a subscription to watch. They already make millions on these games because of advertising. But it’s never enough. They have to constantly push for more, because their model relies on infinite growth (like cancer does). That one stupid example means nothing, but I see that sort of thing going on everywhere.
I haven’t been to the NFL, but friends took me to a baseball game while i’s there. It was a Mariners game, very fun night. But i felt the pressure to spend on everything as soon as you walked in, it felt like the stadium was incompetition against each specatator over the contents of your wallet.
Luigi Zingales, a Chicago University Economist, recently did a Q&A where he talked about the two meanings of competition that the English language roles into the one word, that of competitions to defeat an opponent, and competitions creating something in kind. There are parts of the community that have opted for the first definition and act in all times against their opponents, as you say “weaponized greed”. What they don’t realise is what makes the market a force for good is acting with competitors, following the second defintion.
A good example is the downtown nightlife district of a city. Alone those bars and eateries might be nice establishments, but if they’re the only option in town their product offering can become stale, but together in competition with each other they act to collectively create this fantastic and flexible destination for a night out.
As for hostile public spaces the same happens here l, in Australia, so so much. I even have to catch myself and correct my preconceived notions when i see someone laying in a park. I suppose the only difference is the economic interests are more evenly weighted, due to no detroit-like lobbyists.
Something I’ve noticed over my 50+ years is how hostile the man-made environment has become to anyone not actively spending money and engaging in commerce. Things like loitering, sleeping, etc. are treated as crimes in almost any public space in the US. I sometimes watch stealth campers on YouTube and it’s insane how just existing somewhere, walking around on foot, or sitting in a parked car marks the person as “highly suspicious”. While ultimately it will be the police who hassle you, most citizens will be super quick to narc on you and call them on you if you look out of place. It’s been embedded into our mindset that anyone not shopping or going to an appointment is a source of “stranger danger”.
And of course, our towns and cities are all built with cars in mind over here. Car traffic, parking, etc, is the topmost concern while pedestrians are a very distant afterthought. There’s many reasons for why it developed this way. Not least of all is how powerful and influential Detroit automakers used to be. But beyond that, our oligarchs like people with vehicles because they tend to have at least some money, and they tend to not stay in one place very long. Movement and turnover is seen as profits.
I feel like the entire world is turning into something sort of like a crowded restaurant. Where you’re allowed to hang out for a little while, but only if you’re spending money, and even then you need to move on quickly so we can get more people in here spending more money. And how everything is a subscription now, and all the games they play to maximize profits with weaponized greed.
It’s a small and stupid example, but the NFL (professional gridiron football) recently caught some bad PR for showing a playoff game on a streaming service that required a subscription to watch. They already make millions on these games because of advertising. But it’s never enough. They have to constantly push for more, because their model relies on infinite growth (like cancer does). That one stupid example means nothing, but I see that sort of thing going on everywhere.
I haven’t been to the NFL, but friends took me to a baseball game while i’s there. It was a Mariners game, very fun night. But i felt the pressure to spend on everything as soon as you walked in, it felt like the stadium was incompetition against each specatator over the contents of your wallet.
Luigi Zingales, a Chicago University Economist, recently did a Q&A where he talked about the two meanings of competition that the English language roles into the one word, that of competitions to defeat an opponent, and competitions creating something in kind. There are parts of the community that have opted for the first definition and act in all times against their opponents, as you say “weaponized greed”. What they don’t realise is what makes the market a force for good is acting with competitors, following the second defintion.
A good example is the downtown nightlife district of a city. Alone those bars and eateries might be nice establishments, but if they’re the only option in town their product offering can become stale, but together in competition with each other they act to collectively create this fantastic and flexible destination for a night out.
As for hostile public spaces the same happens here l, in Australia, so so much. I even have to catch myself and correct my preconceived notions when i see someone laying in a park. I suppose the only difference is the economic interests are more evenly weighted, due to no detroit-like lobbyists.