I’ve been making homemade pizza for a while now, but I feel like I’ve hit a plateau with my pie quality. I think it’s time to learn some new tricks!

What YouTube channels, books, blogs, or other resources have you used that really helped take your homemade pizza to the next level?

I’d love to learn more so I can really step up my homemade pizza game. Grazie!

  • Usually_Lurker@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Vito Iacopelli and Charlie Anderson on YouTube will get your pizza juices flowing. Testing/tweaking things with cooking is what makes it fun. I would say if you are mostly satisfied with your base recipe make 2 pies at a time and change 1 main ingredient/process and do an A/B comparison. Keep track of the things you like best and keep testing. After a while you will narrow things down to the perfect recipe for you. Cooked vs raw sauce. 2 vs 4 day cold ferment. Bulk ferment vs ball individually. Curl and crisp pepperoni vs normal etc. Charlie does this and really takes a scientific approach to getting the “best” product he can.

    Also look for videos from the dough Doctor Tom Lehman (RIP). He has since passed on but his knowledge was vast and his joy was to share his knowledge. His NY dough recipe is where I started.