If only people could understand the basic concept that hating a government is possible without hating the people living there.
Exactly. Hamas is a monstrous organization based on the most corrupted religious fundamentalism, but I have nothing but love for the people of Gaza.
Reminder that Hamas is widely supported by most Palestinians
53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people”
A reminder:
Palestinians are awesome!
The genocidal regime that rules over Gaza who murder innocent people while blocking Palestinian democracy is NOT AWESOME!
What about all the Palestinians internationally that are currently celebrating that massacre?
Yeah those guys are on the side of the genocidal regime.
Palestinian fascism… Hamas won the election with just a plurality of the vote then permanently suspended elections ever since. Same old story. Odd how it’s never talked about. I suppose Palestinian fascism complicates support for Palestine for the left so they pretend it isn’t a thing, while it also complicates the “them people are all terrorists” narrative ofr the right.
It’s hard to determine the popularity of Hamas now (there has been an election in over a decade and a half) in the Palestinian population. There is obviously support of the genocidal maniacs in the Palestinian populace because of those celebrations. The people that support Hamas have either been duped by their propaganda or are just straight up evil, or both.
I agree in general, but what an image choice for the Jewish people. Hassidics are far far less awesome and far far more right wing themselves.
The Palestinian people were screwed over when the Arab nations invaded Israel and lost badly. They need to make restitution by making Palestinians citizens.
In my opinion this is an “everyone sucks here” situation and no one knows how to approach it as a result.
Maybe stop killing each other and take it from there? No? More rockets and human rights abuse? Yeah that’ll work…
Israel could start by ending apartheid and allowing the Palestinian people a modicum of dignity and representation in government, or let them have their own state.
And failing that, the appropriate reaction from Hamas is to fire missiles at Israeli civlians? Fuck off.
Well given that Gaza is a defacto prison, they could also beg and pray, like they did for the last 40 years without effect. When you are faced with an opressive regime, there is only giving up or fighting. And it is not exactly like Hamas can build rockets with GPS or other sophisticated aiming systems like Israel or NATO can.
If the Palestinians lay down their arms the war is over. If the Israelis lay down their arms they’d get genocided. Hamas explicitly calls for death to the Jews and they have deliberately targeted civilian populations time and time again. Hamas doesn’t want a negotiated solution to the conflict, they want a Final Solution to the Jewish Question. There is one side here that can just stop the violence, and it’s not Israel.
like they did for the last 40 years without effect.
Have you seen even a single damn wiki article about this place, let alone read a book?
yes i did. And in none of them just begging in praying helped their situation.
That’s generally what happens when you treat people less than human long enough; they fight back.
Fight back by murdering and raping civilians? Do not forget Hamas does have a majority support according to most sources.
Israel definitely has issues with Palestinian human rights violations but there’s a difference between throwing a family out of a house and razing it or shooting a kid that’s trying to storm a military outpost and dragging innocent civilians from a peace concert and raping and murdering them.
Just look at what Hamas, again - an organization with majority support that does not keep any secrets around wanting to murder Jewish people, is doing and you might understand why Israel has been handling the entire situation with an iron fist. Now that iron fist will fall down and it will be innocent Palestinians suffering for Hamas’ crimes.
Yes that is exactly what you should do to a population which is illegally occupying you.
Like the USSR occupied and incorporated a bunch of surrounding countries?
Religions suck. They’re the root of all problems.
Conflating Zionism and Judaism is anti-Semitism. Jewish people are overwhelmingly against the settler colonialist apartheid regime of Israel.