I love how some people think that she’s a “moderate” simply because she’s not actively trying to destroy democracy out in the open like Trump is.
I don’t love it at all. It’s fucking terrifying to see just how far right the Overton window has shifted in less than a decade.
Anyone who proudly calls themself a union buster should be thrown head first into a volcano
Too quick and painless. I say burning at the stake is better.
If you’re gonna go medieval, why not commit and do it like the ancients did?
Damn, that’s some rough torture… fitting
Ground up and fed to their starving party members.
Added to my list of Things I didn’t realize anyone was fooled into
He’s running out of obvious things to state to get attention, so now he’s stating super obvious things.
You’d think, but I’ve had to explain a lot of very obvious points to people I thought were smart. I’ve slowly learned that nothing is truly obvious, and that you should check in to make sure everyone’s on the same page quite often.
The problem with this guy is that he doesn’t post in an informative way, he posts in an antagonistic “Why aren’t you thinking the way I’m thinking you fucking shrubs?” kind of way.
That’s fair, though I can certainly empathize with an exacerbated voice of reason desperately crying out to deaf ears.
They’re all fascists.
There was a failed coup.
The party is complicit and must be dismantled.
🤣 Like Republicans wouid elect a brown woman
This is a case of being saved by their racism.
Haley and DeSantis are extremely reactionary and right wing. That should be clear.
However, they arent as much psychopathic narcissists hellbent on destroying democracy like Trump.
The decision between her and Trump won’t be made by moderates, let alone the majority. There’s a far few steps between this comment and the current reality.
- Trump should be removed from the ballot, for his crimes
- Trump supporters need to be convinced that that is right
- Republicans should lose the election, for the fact they do not represent any reasonable majority
- Trump supporters need to be convinced that that is right
Points 2 and 4 currently lie beyond that of any rational democratic system. Civil war is looming. Meanwhile, the US’ enemies are looking for an opening to change the status quo - and Trump is ready to hold the door open to them.
Could I at least point out how I barely hear about DeSantis anymore? It’s so funny with how the establishment pretty much created that amalgam and he was still so unlikeable.
Republicans support a person and policy to not recognize legitimate elections. There ARE no moderate Republicans.
She has one thing going for her though, she doesn’t seem to be an active threat to democracy. Specific policy disagreements can be worked out over time, but lose self governance and it’s hard to get back
I really appreciate Robert Reich’s takes on US politics. He always makes at least the main points clear, and doesn’t add fluff. If only he was heard by the right people more often.
Another one for the hit list. This country needs to counterbalance what they are planning. Like a barber, just a little off the top. Eliminate the traitorous ones on the payroll of China and Russia. And if you say the ones who are obviously taking money are not, then you need to shut the hell up now. What i want to know is where in the hell are the “intelligence” agencies during all of these last 6 years of the Trump effect? MIchael Flynn?!? What is it going to take? They are enemies of the state.
Wonder why he’s not encouraging republicans to vote for the lessor of two evils /s
If she wins New Hampshire, Trump will turn on her like a rabid dog. The division that he will create will ensure a Biden victory. If I lived in New Hampshire, I would be pushing every liberal I knew to support her.
Rotten POS.