There is absolutely no reason that my washer needs internet access and if I ever purchase a washer and find that it won’t work without an internet connection, that washer is getting returned immediately.
Heh my microwave/oven combo that came with my house, it has wifi capability. I was all NOPE, absolutely not. So I set the clock and went about moving in.
Next day, it’s off by 1 minute. hmm, I must have caught it right near 00. Next day it’s off by 2 minutes.
Looking through for options to turn off the clock, NOPE.
It came with the house so i can’t return it. Dual Oven/Micro combos are expensive as hell. So I can either Have a clock in my kitchen that’s perpetually wrong, set the time on it every day, or put it on an IOT isolation network.
Microwave/Oven is the most useless integrated appliance.
At least my washing machine would be able to bug me that it’s done and remind me that it has been sitting for a couple of hours with wet clothes.
There is absolutely no reason that my washer needs internet access
Need to function at a basic level? Agree
Need it to, say, notify me that my load is done if I’m on the other side of my property or out in town? Legitimately useful feature for my ADHD riddled ass
There is absolutely no reason that my washer needs internet access and if I ever purchase a washer and find that it won’t work without an internet connection, that washer is getting returned immediately.
Heh my microwave/oven combo that came with my house, it has wifi capability. I was all NOPE, absolutely not. So I set the clock and went about moving in.
Next day, it’s off by 1 minute. hmm, I must have caught it right near 00. Next day it’s off by 2 minutes.
Looking through for options to turn off the clock, NOPE.
It came with the house so i can’t return it. Dual Oven/Micro combos are expensive as hell. So I can either Have a clock in my kitchen that’s perpetually wrong, set the time on it every day, or put it on an IOT isolation network.
Microwave/Oven is the most useless integrated appliance.
At least my washing machine would be able to bug me that it’s done and remind me that it has been sitting for a couple of hours with wet clothes.
Need to function at a basic level? Agree
Need it to, say, notify me that my load is done if I’m on the other side of my property or out in town? Legitimately useful feature for my ADHD riddled ass