The smarter the house the dumber the owner.
(not to bully these people who build it consciously themselves, automation and sensors can add many fun and useful features)
If you want IOT stuff so bad, connect it to a separate network that has no internet connection. You can then interact with most devices with something like home-assistant
They’re catching on to that. A large number of IOT devices simply won’t work if they can’t hit the internet now.
What really pisses me off is stuff like Sonos. They’re networking code is so bad, I literally have to be on the same subnet to use their app on their speakers.
There is absolutely no reason that my washer needs internet access and if I ever purchase a washer and find that it won’t work without an internet connection, that washer is getting returned immediately.
Heh my microwave/oven combo that came with my house, it has wifi capability. I was all NOPE, absolutely not. So I set the clock and went about moving in.
Next day, it’s off by 1 minute. hmm, I must have caught it right near 00. Next day it’s off by 2 minutes.
Looking through for options to turn off the clock, NOPE.
It came with the house so i can’t return it. Dual Oven/Micro combos are expensive as hell. So I can either Have a clock in my kitchen that’s perpetually wrong, set the time on it every day, or put it on an IOT isolation network.
Microwave/Oven is the most useless integrated appliance.
At least my washing machine would be able to bug me that it’s done and remind me that it has been sitting for a couple of hours with wet clothes.
There is absolutely no reason that my washer needs internet access
Need to function at a basic level? Agree
Need it to, say, notify me that my load is done if I’m on the other side of my property or out in town? Legitimately useful feature for my ADHD riddled ass
Cries in myQ
Remember! The S in IoT stands for security 😎
Internet of ThingSecurity?
sound recordings, visual recordings, information synched with other smart lg devices you own to completely map your pattern of behaviour in and out of your house, your spending habits etc etc. take your pick.
3.6? Not great, not terrible
3.6 is actually the equivalent of 400 chest x-rays.
You mean the 3.6 roentgen from Chernobyl? And when you say “per day”, you mean this measurement implies a period of time?
Yes, I got the quote wrong. It was 400 chest x-rays. I’ll fix it. Thanks.
Nice background
its probably livestreaming microphone data to the company that made it
3.66x30 = 109.8gb.
Congratulations, your washing machine just wasted a tenth of your allowed 1tb Comcast data cap!
Data caps are reason for violent revolution
Do you guys have data cap in America?
It depends on how big a monopoly your local internet provider has. Mine has a total monopoly. We have a data cap but we can pay 50$ extra a month to get rid of it. It’s a total scam.
Data caps? What is this, 2001? Hell it’s been over a decade since I saw a cap on my phone’s data let alone home internet.
Get yourself a better ISP, this one sounds like it’s fleecing you!
You think people can just choose to go get better isp’s? LOLLLLLLLLL I needed a good laugh today
LG? Yeah, they’re eavesdropping and selling the data to advertisers.
While a very valid point don’t connect it to your wifi
This is why I get dumb appliances, the dumber and simpler the better. Yes, I work in tech.
At the risk of sounding like a boomer, I have an app that lets me know when my washing machine is done, it’s called the stopwatch
They’re also just nicer and more forgiving to use. You accidentally rip a button off? Chances are, you can wedge it back on, no problem.
deleted by creator
because you let it
It's possible that it had some vulnerability which was automatically exploited by one of her majesty's secret services (perhaps with help from their US counterparts) to make it a component of their covert infrastructure.
Sounds outlandish, but this was happening in 2010:
They deserve medals for pioneering amazing technologies and methods… and a jail cell to display them in.
Absurd and effective