Nah they’re the ones who destroyed the economy giving free rein to corporations, set the planet on fire, and let cops run loose murdering and stealing as they please, fuck them
That is because society on all levels deserves it. We need to stop with the expectation that people in certain jobs or positions deserve respect just because of their job or position. They only deserve respect if they earn it.
“Respect your elders”
Nah they’re the ones who destroyed the economy giving free rein to corporations, set the planet on fire, and let cops run loose murdering and stealing as they please, fuck them
Not saying you’re necessarily wrong but “Fuck em” seems to be the new mantra of our society on all levels. Doesn’t bode well for the future.
That is because society on all levels deserves it. We need to stop with the expectation that people in certain jobs or positions deserve respect just because of their job or position. They only deserve respect if they earn it.
If they don’t earn respect, fuck em.
Healthcare is a level.
Housing the homeless is on a level society operates.
Crime prevention too.
You thought this through at all, or was this just a doodle on your trapper-keeper in homeroom?
Those aren’t people so I don’t understand whatever you are getting at.
Oooh. You were SO close to landing that sick burn, but we had to take points off for not making any God damn sense.
It actually DOES bode well for the future.
The Boomers lived by “Fuck the future, I got mine now.”
We’re trying to change it to “Fuck the past, we ain’t got shit.”
Fixed, thank you!
I feel like this is going to have [excellent] synergy with my boundary posts :)