Are you not paying attention? Homeless just hit record highs, credit card usage for basic necessities is through the roof, food banks are seeing record turnout for distribution, wages still stagnant, people can’t afford housing. These things will not get fixed in a few months.
Holy shit I work with helping underresourced people and shit is bad. It’s hitting at least half the population. The homelessness is out of control and the cost of basic needs far exceeds wages. You need like five incomes per household or just be a rich asshole.
That’s what’s frustrating as fuck with the types that deny the facts and keep repeating the bullshit that things are good. I know several people that are struggling themselves and keep repeating that things are good because of what they keep getting told.
Are you not paying attention? Homeless just hit record highs, credit card usage for basic necessities is through the roof, food banks are seeing record turnout for distribution, wages still stagnant, people can’t afford housing. These things will not get fixed in a few months.
Holy shit I work with helping underresourced people and shit is bad. It’s hitting at least half the population. The homelessness is out of control and the cost of basic needs far exceeds wages. You need like five incomes per household or just be a rich asshole.
That’s what’s frustrating as fuck with the types that deny the facts and keep repeating the bullshit that things are good. I know several people that are struggling themselves and keep repeating that things are good because of what they keep getting told.