Is there any way at all for me to preserve webpages like this so that if the website goes down or the webpage is abandoned I may still use the web page as intended? I guess I could take a chunk of time out of the day to recreate this in an excel sheet, but I wanted to ask here just in case there is a smarter way to do it.
Thank you!
Since this is a github pages site, the whole thing can be downloaded from the git repo:
Easiest is to select the green Code button and click Download ZIP. You should be able to open the index.html page in your browser and use it like normal. YMMV if this uses content/data from other sources/sites.
It is available on GitHub, so you can self-host it, or run it locally? Link to the repo here. Besides, there’s like 13 forks, so it is very unlikely that you’ll lose this page. Honestly, I’d recommend that you check out the most active fork.
Hey, thank you for this! I don’t really understand GitHub all that much, especially when it comes to forking and hosting the repo myself!
I hate to bother, but do you have a good tutorial I can use to learn more about self hosting these types of pages? I’m sort of a “I’ve gotta see it all and do it all” type of gamer, so I’d love to be able to preserve these types of things for future replays after the game has entirely disappeared from my memory! (Why I’m currently doing this actually lol)
Again, thank you for the more updated fork! 😁
Fork this in your own GitHub account, and you can access it from:
. Alternatively, you can also host it in GitLab or Codeberg, but the steps may vary a little (might want to check out the docs). Or just pick a static webpage hosting platform, like Render or Vercel.