It’s been a while if ever.
Nice try, newly-minted person that was heard and listened to 👂📯;)
Lol thank you I appreciate that. I’m a guy though so it’s hard to come by.
People will listen here. Also, just talk more. People will recognize you anywhere if you go a lil off script ;)
Oh trust me I’m the loudest person I know but nobody worries about the life of the party.
Kinda why i love it but YMMV
I felt the warmth of my cat cuddling next to me when I woke up this morning.
I saw the light of the moon shining into my bedroom.
I heard the buzz of traffic humming through my window.
I understood that I had to set my fantasy football lineup because I forgot to last night.
In my sixth psych ward visit i finally felt heard by therapists for the first time. I always had symptoms that overlapped with ADHD and pretty much everyone dismissed my problems as not relevant before that.
When my mom was still alive.
13 years ago.
If it ever did happen, I definitely don’t remember lol
Its rare for me to even relate to people.
Week before last, at the men’s group meeting
What do you guys discuss? Like generally speaking?
2016/2017 by a close friend, that was probably the last time I’ve had any kind of truly deep conversation with anyone.
Something happened that caused feelings of betrayal and I’ve kind of not really allowed myself to be that vulnerable since then
Do you try ever-so-rarely to just like send them a quick ping with something you know of interest to them or inside-jokey?
Like just let them know you understand if they don’t wish to respond and that you 100% respect the distance, but you might just rarely send them a little thing here or there that we maybe used to have fun texting each other with and that they can jump in any time they like or at the very least, if at that point they feel this way, to let you know once that they don’t want anymore.
If there’s radio silence you’re still in the clear and onwards/upwards