Just watched the Boy Boy video on George Bush’s Masterclass, and they made me think about which U.S. President was actually worse.
Just watched the Boy Boy video on George Bush’s Masterclass, and they made me think about which U.S. President was actually worse.
I feel like while bush was a much worse president then most people realize, with some of his policies and things like the patriot act still in effect and gumming up the works, trump did more damage in erroding the facade of democracy and empowering fanatics
There’s no comparison. Bush has a much higher body count and was a more effective imperialistic mass-murderer. He certainly did his part to empower fanatics – the wAr oN tErROr got all those racist bloodthirsty chuds baying for blood. As for eroding the facade of democracy, I don’t know what you can call stealing the 2000 election and then ramming through unpopular wars other than proof that America has never been a democracy.
Bush did immense permanent damage – the millions dead by his policies and the aftershocks will never come back to life.
Trump just rode the wave.
People who think Trump was as bad or worse than Bush are just telling on themselves that they don’t think nonwhite people living outside the imperial core are fully human.
Which is a good thing. Liberals pretending Bush wasn’t so bad, is what is going to allow fascism to win.