it is Mr. Biden’s reinvigoration of the government’s role as the nation’s most important investor that may endure as a turning point in the nation’s political and economic history.

Investments, like saplings, do not yield immediate fruit, and Mr. Biden has struggled to generate public enthusiasm for these long-term strategies.

    1 year ago

    Mr. Biden is articulating a simple, strong contrast: Republicans believe that collecting less money in taxes will catalyze economic growth; Bidenomics “is rooted in what’s always worked best for the country: investing in America and investing in Americans,” as the president put it in a November speech in Northfield, Minn.

    It is an overdue end to an era in which the difference between the parties could be summarized as a debate about how large tax cuts should be.

    Someone in this thread will inevitably talk about voting for Biden “even if he sucks” while he’s doing exactly the things they want.