Baldur’s Gate 3’s huge launch has reignited the age-old debate about save scumming.
Save scumming is the only way I can tolerate games like this. For as awesome as the game is (very awesome) sometimes consequences fall within the range of acceptability and sometimes they don’t. When they don’t, save scumming is what keeps me from putting the game down for good.
I try to think of it in terms of how it would go at a D&D session.
For example, if i roll perception well, seeing a tile is trapped, and tell the DM i avoid it, he’s not going to have some NPC trigger it because i forgot to tell them to stop following me, so i feel justified in reloading a save in that case.
Yeah, absolutely reloading after I click on a barrel to search but it’s not that kind of barrel so my character smashes it and explodes us all.
My philosophy on it, specifically for this game, is that the game is so damn huge to start with it’s impossible to see and experience all the content in one or even several playthroughs. I’d rather just put my completionist impulses aside, think of the game more as “D&D” than a video game, and just go forward, no matter what happens in game.
But that’s just my thought for this specific game. As has been stated several times - it’s your save file, do what you want with it. No wrong way to play.
I’m doing mild save scumming, not to have a flawless playthrough but because like you say it’s a huge game and I don’t have a million spare hours so odds are I’m only going to do one good serious playthrough then take a break and maybe do a evil play through or something later.
It’s not like I’m going to see everything so I might as well use the magic of time manipulation to explore alternate realities - the characters talk about that sort of weirdness all the time so for me I don’t even feel it’s world breaking.
Though honestly the only mistake I wish I could go back and fix is completing pretty much the whole first area with only two characters because I missed talking to all the NPCs who’d join me - did make it more challenging tho which was fun I guess.
What debate? I will save scum and there’s nothing anyone can do about it lol.