Anyone else have a bit of smoldering rage that everyone knows what went on, and so far no one but Ghislane Maxwell, Epstein himself and one prince have had even an ounce of trouble from it?
Kinda how Trump will die of old age one day still living a 1% lifestyle and having never seen the inside of a prison.
Lots of tight lips in this document 🤐
There was some kind of delay in the release, to allow people who didn’t want their names to show up to request they get redacted. So expect anyone that’s still named to be able to spin the narrative.
There’s a handful of names from sexually abused women that remain redacted, and only 2 names that have additional time to justify why they should stay redacted. Source
The judge said a handful of names should remain blacked out in the documents because they would identify people who were sexually abused.
Two people whose name appears in the records have been given additional time to make arguments to the court as to why their names should stay redacted.