Hope this isn’t a repeated submission. Funny how they’re trying to deflect blame after they tried to change the EULA post breach.
Hope this isn’t a repeated submission. Funny how they’re trying to deflect blame after they tried to change the EULA post breach.
OK you’re gonna have to give me a link to what you’re talking about. It feels like you are being specific, and I am being generic.
It’s the same incident, the OP article just didn’t mention it.
In this case, I think it is more likely to be some type of Arab major nation, for the Jewish one, and I don’t know about the Chinese.
What I do know is there pretty much every white supremacists I have known has been one of the white supremacist stereotypes to a T.
Anything higher level than that it’s just conspiracy theory level on my part at least with that one information point.