pointing out the problem with gun violence in america is anti semitic - conservatives, probably
Found the Antisemite! ;)
You guys need some new traditions over there.
For the curious, I looked it up. The reason he had access to a 6th grader to shoot in a High School is that it and the Middle School are really one big building in this case - so while it was a High School, it was also a Middle School.
This article lists a possible motive - years of bullying with the school admin refusing to do anything about it. I never did understand why none of my public schools ever did anything about my bullies. As an adult, if any of them tried it I’d call the police and use pepper spray - both banned actions in my schools.
Calling the police is a banned action??
Schools typically wait until there’s already a School Shooter before letting more in!
Of course, they would just shoot people.
Or post up outside the school until the shooter finishes shooting people.
Yes! I LOVE our Well Regulated Militia murdering kids!
-Republicans trying to Save The Children.
“There is simply nothing we can do! Far too busy stopping women getting a dead fetus removed from their body before it kills them! Oh hang on I have to take a call, someone is trying to make sure that kids get food. Not on my watch!”
- Republicans, shortly before explaining how they’re “pro-life.”
Nunn, a Republican who represents Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District, added that he will continue to monitor the situation and that the “school is now secure.”
“We will not rest until there is full accountability for this heinous act of violence,” he said.
Ohh, he’s monitoring the situation. He won’t do anything to diminish the number of murder weapons that teenagers can get their hands on so they can vent their frustrations via bullets, but he’s keeping an eye on things. Great job. You want accountability? Take a look at yourself.
Took four days, huh?
Cut the year some slack. Today was the first day of school. It’s hard to have a school shooting when school’s out.
So what you’re saying is it only took less than a day.
Correct. In fact, it seems that the casually numbers are low because shooter was early.
Seems about right, I’m just surprised it took so long into the new year for this to happen. No one has any right to feel bad about this - it’s what people want, and Americans like guns more than kids, so nobody should be surprised or upset about this at all.
It really isn’t a gun problem; that’s a symptom of a much larger societal sickness. Banning guns won’t stop this because mass shooters aren’t going to abide by the law. We have a country south of us that smuggles in illegal products on a daily basis.
What we need is a better mental health care system.