I’m really intrigued by the video, and the concept but why? 10 years ago I would have loved it, but this guy is wayyyyyy too long.
I really want a physical keyboard, but I’m not sure I could manage with the length of this guy. I wish there was a folding phone with a physical keyboard out there.
I think this would be viable if it had MagSafe. It blows my mind that the company hypes all its design and engineering experience and has a very high case price point yet failed to add a couple of magnets.
No way I’m personally typing faster on minuscule physical keys compared to a touch keyboard.
Yeah I depend way too much on swiping, not to mention having access to tons of other symbols and emoji. macOS and Windows both have workarounds to this, but none of them are anywhere near as convenient and discoverable as a touchscreen keyboard.
I said the exact opposite thing when touch screen phones came out lmao
Here I am 10-15 years in and I am absolutely certain I’d still be way faster on a physical keyboard. I used to blaze on my treo. On my iPhone, not so much.
Damn, Michael Fisher has really made a name for himself - remember watching him host on Pocketnow over a decade ago. Pretty cool to see he’s released a neat product!
I am so excited for this, a keyboard phone that actually gets updates!