This question popped into my head when I was playing Void Stranger. I just got done with the game and will probably never play it again despite not finishing it. The game is genuinely amazing but it just gets so demanding as you progress through it. I ended up watching the second half of the game on YouTube.

What is your favorite game that you feel is really cool and special but you never felt the pull of actually finishing it, and why?

    1 year ago

    Well no-one else has said it yet but pokemon.
    Over my childhood i played a hell of a lot of Red, Silver, Sapphire and Leaf Green, but i never got close to completing the pokedex.

    On my first pokemon (silver) i had three pokemon at lvl100, and the rest of the party was lvl95-98 playing the elite 4 over and over and over with a single pokemon just to get the last few levels (after running out of rare candies) but i never got the dex closer than ~30 pokemon off. Even disregarding the trade or alternate version exclusives and the [practically]unobtainables (legendaries from event codes) it was such a grind to get some of the last pokemon with high evolution lvls and i just never managed to finish that pokedex.

    I have come to terms that i will never infact ‘catch em all’.