History may not repeat itself but it sure fuckin’ rhymes
And having come out the other side of a global pandemic.
To be fair if you swapped women for minorities, you could have those three cover most of the last like 30-50 years since the Boomers took over, and probably even before then
Edit: To quote the great Billy Joel, “The world’s been burning since it started turning”
This guy knows!
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I still don’t know how to pronounce the 00s. I mean I’ve heard people say ‘the two thousands’, but to me that sounds like you’re talking about everything 2000-present. ‘Early two thousands’ is better, but it’s still not specific to the one decade. Maybe I’m overthinking it.
In the UK the 00s are called ‘the noughties’.
Which honestly is the only right answer.
I’ve been calling them the same for many years and I only heard it in passing a few times. But I enjoy it because I was a late teen/young adult then so… 😏
I use “the aughts”. It’s quick and simple, and doesn’t sound so formal or confusing as “the two thousands”
and it feels right to refer to things that happened in the “early/mid/late aughts” for more specific subdivisions.
decades are like band names - they’re good when they feel good to say out-loud
In the Netherlands we call them the Zeroes.
We go for the Nillies where I live
So if themes of the century are just repeating, anything interesting in store for the late 20s in the US? Anything else in the 30s, maybe in Europe?
AfD and Fratelli d’Italia gaining ground 😬
Hey, it is neither Europe nor the USA, but we have a sultan-wannabe in Turkey that is literally an old man and would be very eager to sell the country not only like he did during these rather peaceful last couple decades, but also in a possible war time. We are ready to lose another great war and hope for a miracle like Atatürk to come, so get your colonialist leaders going already.
So we have a world wide depression and war to look forward to… Neat can we maybe skip those?
Then again, we should have one recent world war behind us. We’re behind on world wars
Double world wars it is!
I wouldn’t even be surprised if that happens.
sorry its a oacket deal
To be fair, most places everyone has the same rights as each other now. It’s society that’s still behind the laws so we have to make unequal ones to force equality in society.
Laws don’t change the way society thinks and behaves. Not for many generations later in some cases.
You’ve got the right to a lawyer - just not decent representation
You’ve got the right to buy a home - but good luck affording one
You’ve got the right to free speech - but good luck being heard over people buying a voice or platform
You’ve got a right to vote - lol no you don’t, you’re a felon (shame about that lawyer of yours), and the wealthy bought and paid for the politicians to represent their interests not yours.
know your rights!
Electric Boogaloo.
The movies are more talky these days though.
Totally unrelated, and only for OP, but this is my new bumper sticker.
Hell yeah, that’s awesome!
Such an underrated movie.
Also released in the same year as Hackers, “johnny mnemonic” which was originally a short story by William Gibson. The supercomputer in Hackers was called the Gibson, an homage to William.
I think we should already start preparing for 2120 to make sure we break the spell
Great fashion though
Back then or right now?
I want to see some flappers though
The world has always been this way. And always will be. It doesn’t matter what kind of political or economic system humans organized themselves into.
What an absolutely abhorrent, nihilistic, and futilitarian outlook to have…truly, I feel sorry for you m8.
I don’t need your pity. And I don’t accept it.
You say I think it’s futile? You are right. I am a defeatist. Humans have defeated themselves.
Look at how many are murdered and are exploited by capitalism. Apple computers uses a factory in China that worked its “employees” so hard many commuted suicide. Much of the chocolate in the world uses forced child labor. Companies that make cell phones and computers often use slave labor.
Now go read about The Great Leap Forward in China. Where somewhere between 15 million to 45 million peasants were killed during forced collectivization. (There is some evidence that it is in the higher range.)
And they weren’t just killed accidentally, or by negligence. They were very very often tortured, buried alive, they were often forced to beat their family members, they were forced to eat human feces, many committed suicide…. The list goes on and on and on about the atrocities that were done to people.
And now remember that we did almost ZERO as scientists told us over and over for decades that burning fossil fuels is a major cause of climate change. We are on the door step of climate horrors happing all the time and we are still mainly concerned with the question of, did Disney ruin Star Wars. Or which fan base of which show is the most unreasonable.
In the end, there is no system to keep people from behaving like people. And people are terrible, ignorant, violent, mostly concerned with their fantasy worlds that help them remain insulated from reality.
I am not saying “When should do things the same way we did in the past because of tradition.”
I am not making an appeal to tradition, not at all. I am saying humans are just terrible. Sure we work together a lot. We work well together to genocide each other. We work well together to exploit the others. We love destroying each other.
Lots of the world is doing more to tackle these issues than ever before.
Not to mention looking back at history we see a wide variety of systems, of which this is not always the case.
The issue is authority, we can work around that if you’re vigilant.
They hated him for he spoke the truth.