Cats are cute, but I have dog person energy. I just want to play and go do stuff with doggy, and dogs enable that!
Our new cat needs every part of her body in contact with me.
Respect their boundaries and stop touching them if they don’t invite the approach.
It’s also another example of the way in which cats are liquid.
for real, learning to speak cat language has resulted in most random cats i meet on the street to actively approach me and stick around for a couple of minutes of petting and headbonking.
i mostly avoid it to be polite both to the cat and their owner, but i’m pretty sure i could pick up most any cat and they’d be pretty alright with it, the trick is just to hold their rear paws with one hand and wrap the other around their body so the cat doesn’t feel like they’re gonna fall.
alternatively dump them on your shoulder, but then it’s harder to shower them with smooches.