US police force:
Same for the french police force :
French police say ‘we are at war with vermin’ as they threaten revolt over riotingUnited Nations: France must ‘seriously address’ police racism
Two of the country’s top police unions threatened a revolt
So what’s the penalty for treason in France and did they face it?
The phrase “institutionally racist” was coined by Sir William Macpherson, the retired Judge who was asked to write a report about the Metropolitan Police investigation into the murder of Stephen Lawrence. (The Macpherson Report)
It was published 25 years ago, In February 1999.
So it’s easy to understand why people might be upset at hearing this fucking pig bastard say it today.
Of course policing is “institutionaly racist.” I have news for you. The Catholic church is “institutionally racist.” You local high school is “insititutionally racist.” The YMCA down the street is “institutionally racaist.” The restroom at mcDonald’s is “institutionally racsist.”
What does it take to make people see that ALL Humans and ALL institutions practice some form of racist discrimination? It’s part and parcel of human existence. We are not wired to be accepting of all people and all ideas. If Islam allowed heretics to be murdered, that seems like extremism to us in the West. We can’t embrace all ideologies all at once and accept every idea as being equal. That simply is not going to happen.
It’s not wonderful, but it’s no worse in the police than it is in higher education, or in churches, or in shopping malls, or in candy factories. Discrimination is always going to be present in every walk of life. That is just a fact of existence.
That doesn’t mean we wallow in racism and allow it to flourish, it just means we accept there’s always going to be some of it present. That’s the first step to acting as better people - to recognize what the flaws and biases are in ourselves and then use that energy to help instead of trying to hurt others. But we’ll never all fully embrace every contradictory idea or set of behaviors out there, it just is not in our natures to do so.
‘No worse in police than in higher education’
Because universities are famous for disproportionately killing minorities.
While I agree with your main point that racism is inescapable in modern culture, racism leads to worse outcomes in certain institutions.