Well good, fuck ‘em. Pepsi I mean. I had a gf who was obsessed with Diet Pepsi and the price has over doubled in the past few years. In 2020, you could easily find 2 liter bottles for $0.99, $1.25. Then they went to $1.75… $2.49… $2.99. You can still find them on sale 3 for $5, not not often or all the time. I’m pretty sure that the cost of bringing Diet Pepsi to market has not increased 300%.
About a year ago I was at a grocery store and bought one of those 473ml bottles of pop at the till. It rang up on the till as $2.99
I told them to remove that, it’s ridiculous, went to the pop section, and got the exact same 2L pop on sale for $1
Oh yeah, small bottles in convenience sizes are absurd. Same for water. You can buy 1/2 a quart for $2.00 or an entire gallon for $1.50.
Or turn the handle on your faucet for $0.00
Well, technically you do pay for tap water, but sure, it’s like 2 cents. I use bottled water when I’m camping or otherwise away from my faucet.
I pay something like $5 per 10,000 gallons, so for me a bottle of water definitely rounds down to $0.00.
Those mini-cans of soda are more expensive too. So nuts.
Are there extra taxes on sugarly drinks in EU countries?
It seems they do in individual countries but not EU-wide. Not very much though, it says an average of 7.5 cents a can.
So, that can not explain rise of the price then…
Sugary drink taxes don’t apply to diet sodas either
Depends on location. In parts of the US like Philadelphia and DC diet sodas absolutely are included in the tax. Meanwhile in Seattle Starbucks beverages were specifically excluded as not being “sugary” because they include milk which makes them “healthy” thanks to a lot of lobbying. I don’t know of any European taxes that function the same way but it has certainly tainted the concept since, like everything, shitty lawmaking ruined the entire point in actual execution.
Yeah where I was living in Seattle diet sodas were exempt from the tax. I do recall that Starbucks thing but that’s a whole other issue.
I live in an EU country now and apparently they’re gonna be rolling out sugary drink taxes soon and I’m not yet clear on whether diet sodas are included but I haven’t looked into it closely yet.
I was living in the Seattle area when they implemented theirs and that is when I looked into the taxes and found out about Philly including diet soda. I can’t find a source now with quick googling but the reason I came across back then was that statistically white middle class consumers drink more diet soda so zero calorie drinks were included in the “sugary” tax to promote equity… while completely destroying the health push that was the very reason for the tax.
Meanwhile diet or not I just wish I could get Mezzo Mix at my local store.
I wonder if they will do that with wine as well.
They would probably keep the same cost for diet and non-diet Pepsi and pocket the difference.
Honestly wouldn’t surprise me
Where I’ve seen such a tax implemented that was not the case. But sure, I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened somewhere.
So you’re talking about 14p difference on a large soda.
The bottled stuff, it depends, a lot of it got reduced way the fuck down to limit it or fall under the limit entirely. Honestly, it was a good thing. I genuinely can’t stand full sugar soda … makes my teeth itch.
I swear I’ve seen this news multiple times across three social networks and not once was the title not fucking clickbait.
It’s Carrefour. Carrefour dropped Pepsi. Carrefour.
Fuck modern journalism 🙄
If you’re not familiar with European grocery stores, you’ll have no idea what Carrefour is. “Supermarket Giant” makes sense to everyone.
All they have to do is add one word. “European Supermarket Giant Carrefour Drops…”
Carrefour is a supermarket giant in Europe. So the title isn’t off.
I’m a pretty savvy American that has been to Europe many times and I’ve never heard of Carrefore.
If I said Kroger or Safeway, you’d probably not know that they were grocery store chains here.
They’re everywhere in France. I like going to grocery stores when I’m traveling because it’s fun to see what other countries have there, and it’s fun to try random things. Plus you can save money on restaurants.
PepsiCo is in the find out part of the fuck around.
The “fuck around” part was in September when Carrefour started putting stickers on products saying they were being affected by shrinkflation, and had shrunk in size while increasing in price
If course PepsiCo were too fucking arrogant to listen.
Never, ever fuck with the French 😂
I hope you’re right, seeing the current prices.
Seeing how a bottle nowadays is well over €2, but i remember my teenage supermarket job when my manager explained to me they pulled this with coca cola as they wanted to increase the price from €1,15 per bottle to €1,35.
I think we all know how much effect that had.
I haven’t bought cola in a long time, but if a bottle of Pepsi is actually now the same as a bottle of microbrew beer that is nuts.
They already went through this two years ago in Canada with Loblaws and it only lasted about 2 months.
Pepsi owns Frito-Lay, so I wonder what else is going on behind the scenes? And did Carrefour also drop Quaker Oats?
It’s two big conglomerates battling over money. This doesn’t benefit consumers, it benefits the two giants.
If Carrefour gets a good deal by using it’s shear scale, it will compete with smaller retailers who can’t force a better deal. If it’s doing this to Pepsi, imagine what it does to smaller business and farmers etc.
If Pepsi gets their price rise it’ll increase its profits.
If they compromise halfway, consumers will ultimately still lose out.
It pushes own brand which has much better margin.
How aren’t lower prices a benefit for consumers in principle? (Leaving aside specific questions about health and that Pepsi is overpriced anyway.)
Basically prices will still go up and the supermarket will get a wider profit margin to smooth things over so consumers will still get a brunt of the price increase.
Thanks, I see my misunderstanding now. You’re saying that this doesn’t push down prices far enough, not that there isn’t any benefit.
And did Carrefour also drop Quaker Oats?
Yes. As well as Lipton, 7Up, Doritos…
Came here to say this. That said, they own a lot of other things too, so there’s something funky happening.
I’m confused about why you guys think this is “funky” or something else is happening. FritoLay/Pepsi hiked prices on certain products, Carrefour wasn’t happy about not being able to negotiate a different price point and they decided to hit back by discontinuing those products and very publicly adding PR signs blaming Pepsi for increasing prices to flex their muscle.
This is very unusual, but not that confusing. Inflation being caused by corporations rising prices unnecessarily has been a common narrative, large supermarkets have been blamed for it, especially when it comes to products like fruit and vegetables. Carrefour wants to make sure the manufacturer gets blamed instead of them. It helps that they have a very, very robust set of store brands, too.
What’s a Quaker Oats? I guess they dropped it 1958 when they first opened, along with everybody else.
(Kidding, kinda, I have heard the name, but I couldn’t tell you what you get inside a box or what you do with it. Eat it, presumably, but I don’t know how).
Oats are the main ingredient in muesli and granola. And there’s also a milk substitute made out of them. Avoine if you speak french.
It is an American brand of oatmeal. You cook them to make a porridge.
Now lets do this in USA.
Good, their products will rot your body and teeth. Then they just raise prices for no reason? Fuck them and stop stocking their products.
Don’t worry, their competitor product, that would be chosen over them anyway because of the price, will also rot your body and teeth all nice.
How can that be profitable for Frito-Lay?
It’s not. They fucked up.
They’re both the bottom barrel of junk food.