Surgeries for minors are rare and are generally not recommended by medical associations, most of which oppose broad bans on transition-related care.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced an executive order Friday that will immediately ban transition-related surgeries for minors in the state, about a week after vetoing a bill that would have banned all gender-affirming care for minors, including puberty blockers and hormone therapy.
“A week has gone by, and I still feel just as firmly as I did that day,” DeWine said at a news conference Friday, reaffirming his decision to veto the broader ban. “I believe the parents, not the government, should be making these crucial decisions for their children.”
DeWine’s executive order makes Ohio the second state to specifically ban transition-related surgeries for minors after Arizona passed such a law in 2022.
Since 2021, more than 20 states have enacted broader transgender health care laws like the one DeWine vetoed last week. These measures restrict all gender-transition care for minors, including access to puberty blockers and hormone therapy. A judge struck down such a law in Arkansas in June, and judges have issued temporary blocks, either partial or full, against restrictions in Florida, Georgia, Montana, Idaho and Indiana.
Major medical associations — including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association — support minors’ access to gender-affirming care and oppose state bans.
But i guess they are going to continue cutting off parts of male infant genitalia…
Well sky daddy says to do that, so we must listen to sky daddy.
It’s worse because most of that in the US isn’t done in the name of religion but of tradition based on pseudoscience. There isn’t even an invisible man excuse.
It’s like corn flakes or graham crackers… It’s only around to keep crazy people from masturbating.
How is that even something that falls under the authority of an executive order? Seems like pretty dubious legal ground anyway.
Yes, let’s outlaw a thing that barely happens at all. Because that’s the most important issue that needs to be focused on.
Are we going to regulate by law medical treatment now? This is the party of “small government”??? More like party of “Culture warriors”.
What about intersex infants?
Imagine being born with ovaries but no vagina. Does that happen? I’m pretty sure the Republican plan for them would be to wait until they are dying of sepsis before taking the minimum necessary steps to keep them alive.
Of course coming right after the victory on HB68 getting shot down (thankfully!).
Because surgeries are very rare for anyone under 18, I think the bigger impact to DeWine’s order is the requirement of youth or ADULTS needing to have psychiatric care AND endocrinologist involved as pre-reqs before starting any kind of medical care. This is a bigger deal because some people will be blocked by the religious therapists out there, and in smaller communities finding and endo can be hard and more expensive. This definitely hurts the trans community.
And just when Ohio was starting to pass some good laws, this happens.
This isn’t a bad thing people…calm down and stop acting like Reddit.