This but also the infinite fatigue
There has been some recent progress on this:
Apparently, avoiding cardiovascular exercise helps. Anecdotal comments on Reddit suggest that adding in some weightlifting helps as well. Good luck.
It’s a waiting game, unfortunately that’s how viral infections & their symptoms work. It could be a few days, a few weeks, a few months… and yes could even be a few years. And for some people the lingering symptoms due to a viral infection never really go away.
For what it’s worth the people I know that have lost their sense of taste due to covid regained it after a few weeks/months.
Eat spicy food. I ate the hottest wings I could find and my sense of taste started coming back the next day.
Allegedly Zink should have a role in sense of taste, so supplementing Zink may help restore poor sense of taste.
Vitamin D also plays a role, but you should probably be taking Vitamin D anyway. You can only make vitamin D when you are in the sun when it’s at 45° or higher, and it’s near impossible to eat food that has sufficient Vitamin D.Related question: Does everyone that gets covid lose their sense of taste?
Nope, I could still smell and taste, although it was perhaps slightly diminished. I wish I would have lost my sense of taste briefly because the cough medicine I was taking tasted absolutely disgusting.
Maybe not totally related, but I think my sense of smell has always been not as great as other people, even before COVID. People will sometimes complain about a specific smell and I don’t always notice it.
No. I’ve had it twice and have had no long-term effects (that I know of). I’ve been vaccinated twice and gotten a booster. I didn’t even lose my sense of taste while experiencing symptoms.
Interesting. Thanks.
I even got Long Covid, but I never lost my taste or smell. I kind of wish I did. Because I’m too weak to brush my teeth regularly.
I got mine back after about 3 days
That would have been a scary three days for me. My diet is terrible, but I enjoy it. Losing my sense of taste would absolutely suck.
I’m glad you’re OK!
Get vaccinated.
While I will agree that everyone should get vaccinated to stop the spread, my best friend is a nurse and fully vaccinated, and he still got covid, and while still not as bad thanks to the vaccine, he still lost his taste and hasn’t recovered it yet.
Your comment is ignorant and rude.
No, getting vaccinated after your infection shows some promise in reducing and treating long covid symptoms
The 5th booster brought my sense of smell back for a month, but it quickly disappeared again :/