Walked right into this one, didn’t he?
In fairness the setup was absolutely beautiful. She’s some woman for the zingers.
Well, the setup worked for whichever side chimed in. Elon never stood a chance. The fact that she was describing multiple people is truely terrifying. But I guess that’s her point.
What a fucking narcissist.
She was definitely talking about Elongated, but probably had that comeback planned ahead of time.
It’s everyone’s dream come true - when the comebacks you think up in the shower or before going to bed actually get to be used
Hasn’t AOC been involved in institutional debates about Meta for a long while now?
It’s a pretty good stroke… Two birds with one stone
Elon is not a narcissist, he’s an asshole. Narcissists are innocent victims of abuse. You’re a bigot who hates disabled people.
Victims of abuse? Possibly. Innocent? No.
Just because you’re the victim of abuse, that doesn’t give you the right to abuse others, and you aren’t “innocent” if you do so.
I never abused anyone and neither did most people with NPD, because there is no link between having NPD and abusing others. You just invented an imaginary association between pwNPD and abusers because you hate disabled people.
Fucking savage, I love AOC!
America needs more radical left candidates, not just AOC, Tlaib and Caraballo.
AOC is a breath of fresh air in the extreme right political climate of the US, but calling her “radical left” is just hilarious. She’s slightly left of centre at best.
It’s honestly really gross that he immediately jumps to thinking she’s hitting on him. Like, him freaking out and going into a fit of rage might have been a less terrible response.
I assume he doesn’t really think that, but thinks he’s being a cute troll. Like picking 420.69 for everything.
Trying to deflect assumed criticism about him by being “funny”.
Musk sent the funniest response he could possibly think of.
Remember middle school?
Or was that elementary?
He desperately needs people to like him.
He does not think that though. He was just teasing her (assuming this is not fake)
That’s a weird way to spell sexually harassing
I bet that toasted his buns. His ego is at critical mass.
Once someone explained it to him.
So vain he probably thinnks this xeet is about him.
I assume xeet is the new word for tweet.
I bet you think this xeet is about you
Don’t you
Don’t you
I prefer 𝕏creetion
I prefer the term kiss / kissing (in x’s and o’s)
Elin is the biggest beta simp I’ve ever seen.
Either I need to get out more, or I’m doing something right.
I wish he would step away from twitter and focus more on improving rockets and electric cars. Twitter seems like a big distraction.
I wish he would step away from twitter and focus more on improving rockets and electric cars
He does none of those things. He uses his apartheid money to make others do the hard work and then he steals all the credit.
But why are they still supporting platforms run by billionaires? It’s so easy to talk, theorize and posture as this revolutionary figure. But when it comes down to giving up one single convenience, people freak out. I don’t know if I can take these people seriously.
politicians don’t use social media for “convenience”
What kind of value does Twitter actually bring to a politician? I think we tend to overestimate how much Twitter does influence politics of any kind. People who will support a politician will support them and people who don’t will not, Twitter will rarely sway anyone to a different position. Is it necessary to keep posting about every opinion you have constantly? If that’s what being politically active is, then politics has devolved beyond repair.
People who will support a politician will support them and people who don’t will not, Twitter will rarely sway anyone to a different position.
I disagree with this. It’s like when people say “why does Coca-Cola run ads, everyone knows them”. Marketing matters. Awareness matters. Maybe it shouldn’t but that’s how it be.
Does Zuck hang out with Tucker & Thiel also? It wouldn’t surprise me, but I hadn’t heard about it…not to the extent that Elon does, anyway.
I assume anyone in silicon valley with two commas has hung out with Thiel at some point. He was one of the earliest investors in FB
Is there a place to verify these posts are real without actually touching Twitter (currently known as Elon Musk’s X)? I see there’s blue checkmarks on them but I have a feeling a really cleaver hacker could fake those in an image.
Seconding nitter. You can take any twitter link and just replace the front with nitter.net
Here’s my Nitter search with some filters:
The iPhone let me copy that text out of the image (fastest way was to screenshot and then hold my finger on the text in the screenshot preview). I then tapped “look up” and DuckDuckGo found articles about the exchange. But for less popular Tweets, Nitter should work.
Any armchair psychologists care to weigh in on Elmo?
Brother, you don’t need to be a psychologist to call narcissism
I’d ask for the number but I’m afraid I already have it.
Could’ve posted it on Facebook.
I don’t know why people love her so much, all she does is perpetuate this shitty style of politics. Why can’t they talk like grown-ups?
unilaterally controls a massive communication platform
The fuck are they feeding babies where you live?
For what it’s worth, she’s pretty good at cutting through the noise and explaining issues in an accessible way. There ARE moments like this but she seems to do good for her constituents. I don’t live in the area and I don’t know that much about her, but that’s the feeling I got
I wouldn’t consider myself a progressive but AOC is the best among her peers when it comes to messaging with younger Americans. Perhaps this is the future of politics. Maybe it’s just a phase. Regardless, she’s good at it
AOC voted to force an end to the rail union strike. She’s just another neoliberal saying how do you do fellow kids.
Everybod hits on Cortez hahaha lol she sucks