Water from the fuel pools at the top floors of the No. 7 and No. 2 reactors at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in Niigata Prefecture spilled over due to strong earthquakes, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. announced Monday. No damage or leakage out of the buildings was confirmed.
What a retarded, fear mongering headline. Nothing even happened! A tiny amount of water has sloshed over the edge of two fuel cooling pools INSIDE the containment area. During a freaking earthquake. I’m pretty sure that is entirely expected and within operating parameters for a plant like this.
Now I’m not really a big fan of nuclear power in general, but this is dumb…
The fossil fuel industry will jump on these events like crazy.
No. No they don’t. Oil and gas was supporting and were going to cornerstone the construction of a nuclear plant in our area some fifteen years earlier and environmental groups along with public outcry got it shut down.
Apparently someone still believe TEPCO…
Hey friend, it’s 2024. Please leave the r-slur in the past where it belongs.