It’s a cute meme but please don’t do this irl. This is how peoples’ days (and sometimes lives) are ruined.
“Oh, I don’t need to be careful . I drive a 6000 pound death machine. It’s got airbags.”
I feel safer in the bigger vehicle
edit: guys I was kidding
that’s why i take the bus
“I just like knowing that if there is an accident, I won’t get hurt.”
Don’t laugh … it’s a really bad day when your car/truck decides to run …but the cab heater has stopped working … on a really cold day at minus 10 to 20 degrees Celsius (+14F to -4F in American) … your windshield basically becomes a frosty block of ice that will clear up for a minute after you scrape it before it forms a new layer of frost again.
I drove around for a week continually scraping the windshield to drive around town one winter a few years because of this. And if you are unlucky, police will stop you, ticket you and tell you to tow your vehicle home.
And if you are unlucky, police will stop you, ticket you and tell you to tow your vehicle home.
That’s actually if you’re lucky my dude.
If you’re really really unlucky then you slam your truck into a minivan full of kids on their way to school and kill them all because you decided to drive through a layer of Vaseline ice on your windshield and endanger everyone else around you.
True … if you decide to head out on a busy roadway or highway … when I had the problem with my windshield, I was just moving over block to block to get to where I had to be in my neighbourhood. I do remember one friend who was coming up from Toronto in February who lost his heating midway through on his way to Timmins and he said it was absolutely scary to decide to drive on a northern highway with a windshield like that.
You’re right, it is an absolutely dangerous thing to do in the wintertime and I’d never attempt it on a major roadway if I had the choice.
I usually use deicer liquid in spray form directly on the windshield. The ice becomes mushy in like 5 seconds and I just have to wipe it off. But yeah, it’s only -5 to 0 here, so maybe it’s not very effective where you are.
That trick works in Michigan during really cold days too. Granted, you need to buy the nice stuff, I get the rain-x with de-icer (the purple one)
hue hue my lack of discipline is lethally endangering everyone around me so funny hue hue
Bro if I’m late, I just have to accept it. I tell my work people that I’ll be late and they’re usually fine with it as long as I say something and show up.
I know that not all work places are as understanding as this, but don’t be stupid if you’re late. You’ll still get there, just not on time.
yet another reason to not drive
Would a battery powered hair dryer work here? Throw a ton of hot air on it.
No. You scrape the ice off like a normal person so you can see. It takes 60 seconds.
That’s how you crack your windshield.
You guys still have to drive to work?
Can someone from a country that gets snow explain this meme?
The problem is not snow, it’s the ice that forms on the windscreen during the night, because of the sub-zero temperatures. It takes time to scrape it off, and if you’re late, you do the bare minimum to see where you are going, hoping your car will heat up and melt the rest before you crash!