If you play Baldur’s Gate 3 on Xbox be very careful about recording footage of the game.
A Reddit user by the name of Daddy-Vegas has seen his Xbox account banned for a year for uploading 3 clips of the game to his cloud storage.
They had this to say over on Reddit.
“I recorded 3 clips last night of some naked camp time fun. Xbox, by default, uploads all recorded clips to the server for easy sharing. Each clip counted as a different infraction and got my account banned for a year. I’m hoping the appeals process fixes this, but as of now; I can’t play any game that requires a network connection (basically making all the money I put into MW3 over the last 6 months even more worthless)”.
As for the ban it seems strange that Microsoft allows the game on their platform but at the same time it violates the terms of service of your Xbox account.
I think if a game is allowed on Xbox then any content recorded from it should be fair game. Especially as Daddy-Vegas merely had the clip auto-upload to his cloud storage and didn’t actually share the clips.
Hopefully this is an error on Microsoft’s part and he gets the account restored.
While that is unfortunate, this part made me chuckle:
basically making all the money I put into MW3 over the last 6 months even more worthless
Maybe he’ll realize cosmetics are just mining your wallet.
It made be more thankful I buy my games physically so they’ll work with any account.
Also I didn’t think anyone actually cared about the overpriced cosmetics in CoD.
He did say “even more” worthless! Lol
Yeah that was mistake number 1 lol
“Company gives all its customers a big red Push Me button, then tells customers it’s illegal to push it.”
What the fuck is “naked camp time fun”? And if it really was something about nudity did it cause the censors at ms to take that account down?
If you take off everyone’s camp cloths and underwear in BG3 they show up naked at camp, including cutscenes some of which are very serious. It makes for some hilarious scene remixes. You can have them naked all the time if you want but I don’t want poor Astarion to have his dingdong cut off by a gobbo.
Just search “Baldur’s Gate 3”. You won’t even have to add other keywords to find out what naked camp time fun is :)
According to a search I just did on DDG, naked camp fun is something that is getting Xbox players banned.
Thanks for the heads up
Probably referring to clipping the romance scenes you can get in BG3
This is why I always buy physical copies of games. Also fuck Micro$oft.
You’ll have a tough time buying a physical copy of BG3.
Perhaps, but you can definitely get it on GoG with no DRM and download the standalone offline installer to use as you see fit.
There’s a physical deluxe edition releasing this quarter
Well games like that I’d buy on Steam.
A physical copy of a multi player game isn’t going to bypass needing the network to play other people.
Oh I was talking offline playing
OP wasn’t.