The price to ship your letters and packages is going up in the new year.

Starting Jan. 21, 2024, the price for a First-Class Forever U.S. Postage Stamp will increase from 66 cents to 68 cents, according to the U.S. Postal Service.

The prices for domestic postcard stamps will also increase by two cents from 51 cents to 53 cents and international postcards will increase from $1.50 to $1.55.

In addition to stamp prices increasing, the price to send priority mail and other postal services will also increase on Jan. 21.

The Postal Service says its prices “remain among the most affordable in the world” and would “offer a great value in shipping.”

    1 year ago

    The Democrats could’ve unfucked the USPS whenever they had power, but they didn’t, because they love the neoliberal death spiral it’s been sent on. Just like how they could have undone any of the tax cuts, raised capital gains, or the made college debt dischargeable through bankruptcy again.