The animating concept behind the Trump campaign will be chaos. This is what history shows us fascists do when given the chance to participate in democratic political campaigns: They create chaos. They do it because chaos works to their advantage. They revel in it, because they can see how profoundly chaos unnerves democratic-republicans—everyone, that is, whether liberal or conservative, who believes in the basic idea of a representative government that is built around neutral rules. Fascism exists to pulverize neutral rules.
So they campaign with explicit intention to instill a sense of chaos. And then comes the topper: They have the audacity to insist that the only solution to the chaos—that they themselves have either grossly exaggerated or in some cases created!—is to vote for them: “You see, there is nothing but chaos afoot, and only we can restore order!”
Whatever. I’m voting D no matter what, for every election, because republicans are disgusting traitor filth.
I don’t consider myself a Democrat, but in this two-horse race, I vote Democrat because, as my father was fond of saying and said as far back as at least the Reagan era, “the worst Democrat is better than the best Republican.” Sad but true. I’d rather have a senate of Bob Menendezes and lose Susan Collins in the mix. Menendez is a corrupt bastard, but at least he votes as if he gives a shit about other people. Collins tries to sound reasonable and fair and then votes in lockstep with the rest of the Republicans most of the time anyway.
Lol yeah I remember when I used to consider positions, evaluate the candidates, check historical records etc. GOP has made this very easy the last few years because “fuck women, gays, immigrants and the disabled. Science is fake, Jan 6 is fake, covid is fake, trump is a saint and the rich need more help”.
Wow what a winning platform. ☑️ D
GOP has made this very easy
I’m a Houstonian. I’ll vote straight ticket, but I can already tell you how the election will shake out.
Texas will go bright red. Houston will go bright blue. My vote at the state and national level won’t matter, because its winner-take-all. And many of my neighbors will be subject to harassment, disenfranchisement, and voter caging because they’ve got African American / Pacific surnames, which flag them as easy targets for reducing D turnout. That’s before you even get into how reliable a Jane Nelson / Ken Paxton administered election is expected to be, given how frequently we’ve had rules for mail-in ballots, voter id, and county-wide voting challenged by the current state administration.
The GOP has made the decision to vote against them easy. They have made the process to vote against them increasingly difficult.
Science is fake, Jan 6 is fake, covid is fake, trump is a saint and the rich need more help.
The same folks who say this shit are the ones expected to tally the results of the election faithfully.
As the saying goes, “Its not the votes that count but who counts the votes”. Our dogged reliance on the machinery of elections in a state with a decades long history of shady election practices is naive af.
I used to be an Independent voter. I’d consider reasonable Democrats and Republicans alike. No more. Dems down the ballot for me.
Same but I primary whenever I can for candidates that even entertain being progressive. Anyone who want to stop the plutocracy, treat our planet like we need it, or will act with empathy.
Too many people can’t bear conscience for voting for someone actively abetting a genocide. A lot are boting 3rd party this year, so the vote’s split
Cool. Vote third party. We’ll get Trump (or one of the other authoritarian dominionist clowns in the car), who will end up pushing for a nuclear attack on Gaza while dismantling every institution we have here, meager as they are, but people still need them. Then in 2028, don’t vote at all because you will probably lose your right to do so. At least you voted with your heart<3 though, so have a nice cup of tea and give yourself a hug.
We do not have a system in place where your idealistic protest can do anything other than make things worse. Fix the goddamn system, put people in power on a local level who have a chance, and work up from there. Fuck outta here with any Jill Stein horseshit.
Vote third party. We’ll get Trump
i don’t think so. i voted for howie in 2020 and we got biden.
Cool. Vote third party. We’ll get Trump
Isn’t Trump’s victory predicated on an electoral college victory?
How does voting third party impact whether or not your state’s electors vote for Donald Trump?
We do not have a system in place where your idealistic protest can do anything other than make things worse.
Sure we do. Look at the very origins of the Republican Party. Abraham Lincoln emerged as the frontrunner against a Whig Party that was in full collapse. It was only possible thanks to Freemont’s break from the Whigs in 1856, galvenizing abolitionists into a full formal partisan block.
Or consider the Farmer-Laborer party of North Dakota, which controlled the state for several decades before merging with the Democrats under Roosevelt.
Or consider the rise of Libertarian, Socialist, and Fascist candidates within the major parties. Primary insurgency candidates will routinely build a base of non-partisan support before joining the major parties as outsiders. Sanders ran as an Indie from Vermont for 14 years, before stepping up to run for President in 2016. Donald Trump himself was a Reform Party candidate in 2000 and was a staunch Democratic mega-donor/bundler in New York well, before defecting the GOP in 2012. Senators like Mike Lee and Rand Paul built their brands outside the party system before winning primaries in their respective branches.
The split in the Dem Party in '68 gave rise to Nixon and Reagan’s Southern Strategy, which secured the Presidency for the GOP (with the exception of the narrow Carter win in '76) for the next 24 years. Great news for Dixiecrats who cared more about maintaining racial supremacy than New Deal economics and who found a way to profit handsomely from Reagan-Era giveaways to large land owners and shareholders.
Third Party campaigns have a long and proud history in the US of paving the way for more successful general election runs in subsequent election cycles. They don’t always pay off year-of, but they can have a seismic effect on politics going on decades afterwards.
Isn’t Trump’s victory predicated on an electoral college victory?
It doesn’t have to be. If there are enough splits to deny any candidate an outright majority in the EC, the task of choosing a president falls to the congress in the ‘contingent election’ procedure, whereby state congressional delegations each have 1 vote. If 26 states have republican delegations (which seems plausible, given how many states are controlled by the gop) it’s very likely Trump wins if it goes to a contingent election.
If anything, this supports the argument against voting 3rd party protest votes in any FPTP election
If there are enough splits to deny any candidate an outright majority in the EC, the task of choosing a president falls to the congress
Well, double damn then. I’m in a heavily gerrymandered house seat so now my vote extra doesn’t matter.
it’s very likely Trump wins if it goes to a contingent election.
That’s heavily predicated on how midwestern states manage their house seats in the next election. Pennsylvania’s forced redrawing of maps in 2018 flipped five or six house seats. Wisconsin and Michigan redistricting fights could cost as many more, each. Dems are within range of the House (barring another landslide swing like in 2010 or 2018) if too many of these break the Dems’ way. And now that Dems appear more focused on winning state SCOTUS elections, that’s not inconceivable.
If anything, this supports the argument against voting 3rd party protest votes
I’m guessing you’re not a Lieberman 2008 guy. And who can blame you?
But folks with sufficiently high name recognition can definitely win third party. Just ask Lisa Murkowski. Or Jesse Ventura, for that matter.
With donnie in power, we may very well have genocide in our borders.
Part of the problem with the Biden Administration (and Obama before him) is that it seems content to allow guys like Abbott and DeSantis to Do As Thou Wilt in their respective states. Biden could win reelection in '24 and we’d still see a genocide of border people, entirely because his administration is unwilling to pick a fight with a powerful governor in a state flush with heavily armed state border guards.
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I think the logic here is that Biden, while endorsing genocide outside of the U.S., isn’t causing it inside of the borders. With Trump you’d have it both outside and inside.
Ergo, they see the choice as less genocide or more genocide. Both terrible but why choose more over less?
Blessed be the day we can vote for no genocide.
You can do it today. It’s called third party.
In a FPTP system, that’s called voting for Trump with extra steps. The fact that it fucking sucks doesn’t change the fact that it’s true.
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Here is why you should never vote third party in a FPTP voting system. If you are not happy with your candidate choices, then we need to increase voter turnout in local elections, mid terms, and most importantly, primary elections. Primary elections are where you actually can change the spirit of the political parties, but hardly anyone votes in primaries despite them being arguably the most important.
Here is why you should never vote third party in a FPTP voting system.
This only holds when the respective parties are roughly evenly tied with one another and the two major parties have the marginally more-popular candidates.
In a state where one party or the other is an overwhelming favorite to win, this math doesn’t matter. In a state where both parties have put up a shit candidate (say, you’re in Arizona or West Virginia and being asked to support Kristen Sinema or Joe Manchin yet again), a third party vote is the only way to clear the deck of deplorable alternatives. If you’re in Nebraska and the popular frontrunner is the indie union activist Dan Osbourn you would be foolish to vote party line as that’s effectively a vote for Deb Fischer.
No, it holds regardless. Your argument is the same as saying there’s no point in voting if you don’t win.
Your real problem is as I said, Primary Elections, where we have EXCEPTIONALLY terrible voter turnout. The primaries are where you choose your party representatives. If you are complaining about the General election, the fight was already lost.
It’s funny. It’s already election year and you can’t even name a 3rd Party candidate with any sort of shot. But yes, some perfect candidate will declare in late September, right?
I’m tired of every election being the most important election. I want politics to be boring again, less evil too if possible.
If politics were ever boring or less evil, it’s because you weren’t paying attention or engaged. Every upcoming election will always be the most important. Simply because all the others have happened, and the remainder are too far off and nebulous.
Ask all the people suppressed, attacked, and assassinated in the 50s and 60s fighting for civil rights. All the ones since then too. It didn’t magically become perfect. Or all the people brutalized by robber barons before as they fought for unions, weekends, reasonable hours, and basic safety.
Being disengaged from politics is a luxury and a privilege that most people can’t afford. Which explains why we’re in such a deficit. With so much of the American population chomping at the bit for fascism again. And much of the rest of the world close behind. Putin in Russia, Orban in Hungary, Milieu in Argentina, etc etc etc. We’ve been asleep at the wheel, enabling the worst people among us.
You landed in the wrong timeline.
Too late for that.
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Republicans are pushing for fascism, and Democrats like not having to do anything but be second worst to fascists.
It might be a few elections before that happens. There’s political turmoil and fascists have a chance so they’re gonna keep going for it until republicans understand they cannot possibly win anything with fascism
Yeah the problem is that wide reaching policy changes is hard to sell on a country wide scale
Are the Democrats EVER prepared though?
“I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.” - Will Rogers, 1879-1935
“Democrats never agree on anything, that’s why they’re Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they’d be Republicans.” - Will Rogers, 1879-1935
TIL you guys have been stuck with the same two political parties since the 1850s. No wonder they’ve gone a bit corrupt.
To be fair, the parties themselves have changed significantly since then.
To be fair, no two-party system is a healthy democracy, and the way our elections are designed it’ll stay that way.
Which means, get worse
Yep, as it has been since the 1850s
Yep, as it has been since the 1850s
since the 1850s
Yeahhh, you may find some people disagree with you on that one. I hear some stuff happened in 1861-1865 or something, for example.
Our election system is generally bad. Elections aren’t controlled by the federal government, even for federal elections, they are run by counties (or whatever the locality calls a county - in Louisiana they are parishes) and each county runs their elections differently unless the state steps in and regulates it. Some states have mail in voting, some make you stand in line on election day. Some counties have FPTP voting, others might have STAR or RCV.
The only way I see things changing at all are two fold: publicly funded elections with no private money at all AND abandoning FPTP voting for a broader method with an added benefit of potentially eliminating primaries. I know parties would complain, but things would be much more democratic.
This is entirely correct. The only way to heal the nation is to take steps forward, not relying on an archaic system that ‘works’ and building out something that actually works.
We won’t get rid of FPTP or gerrymandering so long as we elect our representatives from geographically defines districts. We should empanel state congressional delegations in statewide elections, rather than by districts.
In a state with 20 congressional seats, any party that wins at least 5% of the vote should have a seat. A party that wins 10% of the vote should have 2 seats.
That’s what happens with a first past the post voting system. A ranked choice would open things up quite a bit, but that would require the people elected by the first past the post voting system to change it or mass revolution.
Someone call the French and let them know we actually do need them again.
Americans are perfectly capable of manufacturing guillotines domestically.
Yeah, but the French guillotines have that certain je ne said quoi.
It must be a proportional system. No other system produces viable 3rd parties.
God damn it. It’s been true that long?
It’s almost like individual people have different opinions and want different things.
…yeah…but also, we all need to want Republicans to lose spectacularly.
It increasingly feels like that’s the single unifying trait holding the democratic party together. That’s the sole reason you see people telling everyone to get out and vote.
It’s not “We need to get young people to vote because they care about progressive policies, and we can elect a candidate who will align with their views”, it’s “We need to get young people to vote because we can’t let Trump win another term.”
Because it is the only trait. The Democrats know it. As long as they act slightly more progressive they can enjoy massive corporate and AIPAC bribes just like the Republicans do.
Nothing will change if people vote Democrat this time. In 2028 some other Republican (or Trump again) will run and the Dems will go “Vote for us or we’re going to get Genocided for real this time unlike the other 150 last years whenever a Republican won”
I actually like that about the Democrat Party. Shows how ideologically diverse it is because tolerance is a bedrock of the party ever since the two parties switched from being conservative and liberal. The GOP flipped within four years from being neocons to isolationists, and anyone who disagrees with the current identity is a RINO
Democrats and Republicans swapped ideologies and beliefs around 1936
This has been the Republican Party’s M.O. for decades.
“Government is corrupt and ineffective, elect us and we’ll prove it to you!”
That’s 11 months for heart disease to do the world a favor and get itself some good PR for once.
I really wish Biden would step down. I’d love a better option from the Dems. That said, no way in hell am I voting for Trump.
I really wish Biden would step down. I’d love a better option from the Dems.
glances at Kamala Harris
Biden is safe, and honestly the best frontrunner we have.
I disagree. An 80 year old is not the best option we have.
Certainly the best option who’s running though
There is no saving America, there’s only buying time. Democrats can’t do what’s needed to prevent fascism because actually doing something about the Republican party would risk creating actual democracy. Prepare to fight fascism now because at best you’re buying yourself another 4 years. Vote, don’t vote, vote for a third party out of protest, whatever you do organize with other people and prepare for the worst.
In the best case, I’m wrong and you’ve made new friends. But if you don’t organize now it will be too late to organize in the worst case.
Democrats can’t do what’s needed to prevent fascism because actually doing something about the Republican party would risk creating actual democracy.
Hard fucking facts. When you look at places where liberals have carte blanche to do whatever they damned well please - your Californias and Washingtons and NYs and Minnesotas - they still can’t bring themselves to do what needs doing. No public health care. Rampant homelessness thanks to commodified housing. Food deserts. Rich-people-only universities. No new mass transit. Police budgets skyrocketing. Everyone kowtowing to tech executives for no discernible benefit.
Meanwhile, the fascists in Texas and Florida and the Dakotas and Carolinas are creating the future of the American political system while Schumer, Jeffries, and Biden just kinda sleep through it.
Vote, don’t vote, vote for a third party out of protest, whatever you do organize with other people and prepare for the worst.
Voting as a panacea for organizing has really fucked the country as a whole. While movement conservatives raid school boards and throw pipe bombs at abortion clinics and do Brooks Brothers Riots and Jan 6ths any time an election is in doubt, liberals have been totally pacified. They show up ever couple of years, pull a lever, do a thoughts and prayers, and go home.
They spend far more time gambling on Robinhood or working overtime to earn their bosses a bigger paycheck than they do throwing events for their neighborhood or organizing their offices to bargain for a bigger share of company profits.
The American future looks increasingly grim.
True, that. Building mutually supportive communities is really beneficial if shit goes bad. It’s something most of us can do on a local level and it’s something most humans are pretty good at.
Democrats still don’t know who they will be running against - since the polling needed to determine that are not “likely Iowa caucus goers” but “likely Trump jurors”. We don’t want to be like the Republicans in 2008 who were completely prepared to take on and tear down a Hilary Clinton nominee, only to find themselves fighting Obama.
If the Republican nominee is anyone but Trump, we’ll see Trump run as an independent and split the vote.
If the Republican nominee is anyone but Trump, we’ll see Trump run as an independent and split the vote.
That would be . . . interesting. Civil war among non-Dem voters, for sure.
I would hate to see how that voter turnout would affect all the downballot elections.
Him running from jail while competing against a candidate that isn’t popular with the MAGA nuts, would be the ideal outcome.
Gods know I’m not ready for another American election.
You and me, both.
A lot of wackos around the world have been winning elections, so we shall see.
The world will be looking at you. Don’t fuck this up USA
Too late. We’ve already normalized fascism.
I wouldn’t be surprised if more vicious rhetoric has been used in past elections, at least one candidate in pre-Civil War America was called a “hermaphrodite”, but the inevitable use of AI is going to make the election an absolute circus. L
Meet the new year, same as the old year.
The illusion of choice: vote for a senile old man or a senile old man that would consider turning minorities into Big Macs because he is hungry
The while calling Biden senile thing is pretty worn out. It’s not true and it only helps Trump. Yeah, he’s old, but Biden is sharper now than Trump was 30 years ago.
What about the 40 beheaded babies that Biden saw photographic evidence of?
Biden is the dullest tool in the shed.
the he’s better than Trump thing is worn out. Don’t worry I’ll vote for grandpa Joe, I mean, what choice do I have?
Hey man, just look at China, the much darker truth is that in many parts of the world, senile old men run things, your freedom, dreams and purpose is largely meaningless to them unless they’re very close to you or you’ve shown that you also care about their freedom and the well-being of their future offspring.
For a lot of older people, a certain cynicism comes with wisdom, and you’re just like everyone else, a cog in the wheels of a big system. For America and China, where in many parts it’s essentially still a mafia state, this is even more pronounced for people that come into positions of power at an older age as they’re even more experienced at the real life equivalent to GTA politics.
The only real upside is that it’s not as bad as the middle east still but hey that’s a low bar for most that consider war and civil society to be two separate states of existence
Don’t forget, both those old men want Genocide in Palestine. I’m hoping more people vote 3rd party this year
…which will only help the fascists and put donnie into power.
Someone in another thread asked me what was the difference between coalition governments and two party systems. This is it. You should never be forced to vote against a candidate, yet that has been the US for the last several elections and will continue to be the US for the foreseeable future. Unless Trump wins, then the last vestiges of democracy in the US will fall pretty hard as Trump and associates continue to stuff cronies into government and finishing what they started during his first presidency while Europe and Asia likely fall to military conflicts.
I’m hoping more people vote 3rd party this year
Why would that accomplish something in 2024 when it didn’t accomplish anything with Nader in 2000 or Perot in 1992? The Democrats and Republicans will really definitely for sure learn their lesson this time for realsies?
Nobody learned any lessons. If they did Trump wouldn’t have been elected let alone be allowed to run again after provoking an insurrection to stay in power. I want to see viable 3rd party challenges that can make for actual change in how this current system work. People need options that don’t completely suck
I want to see viable 3rd party challenges that can make for actual change in how this current system work.
Who would this viable third party challenger be and why would they be able to make actual change when neither Perot nor Nader could?
Don’t strawman the idea of 3rd party candidates. Just fall in line is not really a healthy mindset if change is desirable. Humans could never fly until they actually tried
Very sadly we just aren’t in a climate for third party candidates to do anything. I would suggest getting involved with ranked choice voting advocacy groups if you really believe in it.
This is the perfect climate for it. Teach the Democrat voters that these Zionist Nazi foreign agents have no place in politics. Either they all join in third party voting or they’ll keep losing to Republicans.
Trump winning again isn’t going to change anything. The “he’s a dictator and never going to step down” fear mongering from last time turned out to be complete BS.
Nothing will ever change if you guys keep acting like scared chickens refusing to vote for anything other than Democrats.
Democrats are the controlled opposition, nothing more.
How do you expect to see a viable third party challenge in the US with our current system? All third parties do is get the major party most opposed to their position elected because it don’t matter jack shit if 51 people vote against Orange Hitler if 3 of them vote ‘Principled Third Party’, leaving only 48 people to vote for the major party candidate opposed to Orange Hitler. Orange Hitler wins 49-48-3, and all 51 people who didn’t want Orange Hitler get stuck with him because 3 didn’t want Grandpa Joe. Leave off with the Rebellion for now, and spend your effort on replacing First Past the Post. Until you do that, all you’ll do is ensure we get Orange Hitler.
I don’t think either of them cares much about the middle east or Israel much. If anything they both look at Benjamin the same way Xi looks at the DPRK guy.
Just old upstarts with bones to pick over
How common are faithless electors?
How willing is the system to punish them? And if not the system, how willing are the people?