This community is housed on an instance run by two trans women, focused on the needs of the queer and gender diverse community.
We allowed 196 here because we were promised the community is queer and trans inclusive.
If you’re here it’s because you’re aggressively supportive of trans folk. Not middle of the ground, not “just asking questions”.
If your response to that is, “yes, but…” then this isn’t the instance for you, and by extension, this isn’t the community for you.
tl;dr - Unambiguous support and inclusion, or fuck off somewhere else.
Edit - I changed the phrase "aggressive support to “unambiguous support”, as there was some confusion over the intent behind my previous phrasing.
Defending it is the only sane response. He was literally asked for his opinion. Is it homophobic for a straight person not find the same gender attractive? Of course not. Then how is transphobic for a cis man not to be into penises? It’s completely bizarre reasoning.
Fuck off.
Genital preferences are valid as far as any preference for physical attributes but when you’re reducing people to purely genitals it’s gross and no respect needs to be given to the argument.
That’s not what happened. In the context of dating and sex it’s an extremely relevant point. Sounds like you’re mad at a headline without reading the article, in a manner of speaking. So you fuck off.
The original comment literally boiled down to “boobs and vagina is woman, penis is man”.
No it didn’t. He explained he would be put off by a transitioned trans man. Go through their comment history and you’ll see they’d be comfortable dating preop, as long as their partner is comfortable with them finding their femininity attractive.