Imagine being literally scammed into pouring your life savings into a property that is unfinished without electricity nor water, and then thinking “at least I have something so I shouldn’t complain”? Those people actually had something before, now they’re left with less than nothing.
Sure. Please find me articles about places that have incidents happening in a large scale like this right now then. Or do big companies like Evergrande just default occasionally all over the world in your books?
im not your nanny, you might be capable of research if you look into it. go ahead and determine the truth, im not about to dig back stuff for some random dude on the internet.
I haven’t got into the article that much but sure, nothing is perfect.
Is it better to not even try and pretend its acceptable for people to be homeless, like they do almost everywhere else?
They’re not building apartments to give out to homeless people for free here. People actually had to pay for those properties and were scammed.
keeping the population homeless is better?
Am I talking to a brick wall or what?
You’re playing pigeon chess my friend.
i have the feeling im the one talking to a brick wall.
would you rather pay rent to a banker for the rest of your life? flooding the market is a sound strategy to make cheap housing.
“Nothing is perfect” Is a hell of a way to minimize the enormity of the issue. Like wow…
at least you have something to criticize, ill take it over literally nothing any day.
Imagine being literally scammed into pouring your life savings into a property that is unfinished without electricity nor water, and then thinking “at least I have something so I shouldn’t complain”? Those people actually had something before, now they’re left with less than nothing.
you are acting as if everything was a big scam and literally everyone lost everything.
in reality this same thing happens occasionally all over the world all the time and has many possible paths for resolution.
Sure. Please find me articles about places that have incidents happening in a large scale like this right now then. Or do big companies like Evergrande just default occasionally all over the world in your books?
i have a feeling yoy can use google yourself to understand the situatuon
You’re the one who made the argument. The responsibility lies on you.
Edit: and are you, who haven’t posted a single link here yet, really telling me, who did provide news articles, to do my own research? How ironic.
im not your nanny, you might be capable of research if you look into it. go ahead and determine the truth, im not about to dig back stuff for some random dude on the internet.