What will Biden sacrifice to pass Ukrainian aid through the budget? Healthcare? Education? Social support? Clean energy? Semiconductors? Space exploration? The prevailing position in Washington is that China is the greater threat to American hegemony, so how much is Biden willing to cut to fight a war against Russia?
He’s lacking power in the House and Republicans will gladly extract concessions out of him leading up to the next election.
Ohh cut the drama already, that’s just bzseless speculation.
Ah yes, stop worrying that the government is investing in a proxy war while the country is falling apart.
That’s an interesting headline… what did they expect instead? “After 18 months of only giving Ukraine a fraction of what we can spare for laughs and giggles we now probably need to actually support them for once to replace the missing US aid”?
After 18 months of only giving Ukraine a fraction of what we can spare for laughs and giggles we now probably need to actually support them for once to replace the missing US aid
Are you really that daft? In one year the aid sent to Ukraine exceeded the entire annual military budget of Russia
You are really not getting the most obvious sarcasm possible?
Sorry, I thought you were arguing that the US hadn’t provided enough.
The EU has a lot more to lose than the US if Ukraine falls.
The US is effectively acting as a guarantor of EU safety, the EU should let us fly our sick people over there for treatment IMO. Because our sick staying sick are the reason we can afford to have a military that could arm the entire world. Their safety is being subsidized by US citizens health.
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.”
A quote from a US President that I think means more than some sourceless internet comments implying the size of US millitary has nothing to do with the US’s lack of social servies. Argue with the president.
Never thought I’d get this much flac for arguing that the over funding the US military negatively impacts the US’s social welfare on lemmy of all places.
The US could cut its military budget by half and still continue to do what they do
They waste a huge amount of money for literally nothing just like their police force
There are too many ineffective middlemen
Source for that wild claim that half of the largest budget in the US doesn’t go to weapons manufacturing, soldiers, or necessary administration? If the US budget was cut in half there would be a West Russia today. If you want safety in your continent to be guarenteed by American citizen suffering just say so like the rest of the Americans who support their own military but acting like the MIC has nothing to do with the state of social services in America is hilarious.
I love that you believe Russia equals danger. It’s just such a perfect snapshot of the brain rot of Western culture. There’s literally no ability to imagine a world where Russia is just a secure and developed country that collaborates with the world. It’s only possible that Russia is always evil. It’s such transparent propaganda for anyone in the world but somehow the “highly educated” white Americans and English just can’t see it.