I don’t know if you know this, downvoter, but A New Hope was about the Vietnam War, and the US and its allies were the baddies.
The Financial Times, The Economist, and The Wall Street Journal are important outlets because the capitalists speak relatively frankly amongst themselves there.
Rules for who? Order for who?
Fuck the G7.
Fuck their little kapo state in the middle-east, too.
Rush by west to back Israel erodes developing countries’ support for Ukraine
Told you. They were going to sacrifice Ukraine on the alter because Israel are the greater fascists. It’s the only consistent in western geopol.
Good. I don’t know why “the global south” ever listened to any member of the G7 to begin with.
Of course they’ll listen. G7 has the money.
Keep your stinking money
The Global South is wise to the Global North’s dept trap grift now, and they’re not falling for it anymore.
The world is healing