The ad is called ‘Limburger,’ a cheese known for its pungent odour
The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump PAC, released a foul ad doubling down on allegations that former president Donald Trump smells.
Claims around the former president’s alleged odour erupted earlier this week when former Illinois Republican representative Adam Kinzinger tweeted, “I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor. It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can.”
The Lincoln Project seized upon the resulting social media firestorm with a video advertisement on Saturday, with the caption: “Is that you Donald? #TrumpSmells.”
This is one of those headlines that reminds us of how deeply unserious the society we made is. We’re throwing around playground insults because inciting a coup and causing mass desth through subpar covid measures made him MORE popular.
Im beggin people to realize Trump is not the endgame, the voters behind him are and they do not change, and will find a better smarter and more electable fascist to rally behind. Meanwhile the Dems have done nothing but try to stop ‘Trump the individual’, not ‘Trump the culmination of fascist citizens desires’.
Yeah, I like to say Trump is a symptom of what we let the GOP and DNC turn America in to.
The GOP and DNC didn’t do shit – they’re symptoms of complacency.
The uncomfortable truth is as a species we’re tribalistic, short sighted, and selfish. The worst of us eventually find positions of power, and they’ll use/create “crisises” to do so. None of this shit is new.
They do not change because the propaganda that separates them from seeing others as equal fellow human beings is not changing. The propaganda keeps its consumers’ own fears and angers stoked and ready to point wherever it is wanted at the moment, and uses known tactics to do so.
It’s an ongoing problem because the emotions, and the propaganda that keeps them outraged, is always there, always on, always pushing those emotive buttons – and we allow the purveyors of this media to do so legally.
Our judiciary, which has had multiple opportunities to regulate “news” that is not news at all by requiring it to self-label as entertainment or hold itself to actual journalistic standards, has repeatedly declined to do so.
Stop the foreign-paid propaganda and “news” and a LOT of this shit crawls back under the rock whence it came.
If half the people in the country are too fucking dumb to understand basic level stuff, we just gotta go to playground insults
That’s the level of education we’ve got going on here. If it works to get a fascist out, fantastic. On the other hand, the Democrats are, in the end, no damn different from the Republicans. A bunch of racist old white people who don’t actually care as long as they get their money. Both parties should be taken out and this should be more than a two party system