Meta Platforms. X Corp. tell me those aren’t straight from a strangely prescient cyberpunk classic
Don’t forget the conglomerate names:
“Well, there was a bit of a stir when it was decided that since corporations are people, they could technically run for president. But President Walt Disney-Pepsi-Comcast has done wonders for the economy… given that it’s… now the economy”
Don’t blame me I voted for Tim Apple
I used to call it ActiBlizz. What am I supposed to do now?
MS ActiBlizz sounds like the next addition to MS Office but they already renamed it to “Microsoft 365”
Microsoft Excel
Omni consumer products.
I still think it’s hilarious that Facebook renamed to Meta, and anything they did with the “metaverse” was a huge failure. It’s like they didn’t learn their lesson from Second Life.
Don’t forget Truth Social. Straight out of ministry of truth.
And Taco Bell already exists so there’s that
Now we just need companies to have their own militaries and then for someone to nuke one of their towers. We’d have the whole nine yards.
“He burned down half the city just to prove he was right and burned the other half just for fun.”
Source? Please.
He burned down half the city just to prove he was right and burned the other half just for fun.
Amazon is a standing military or armed navy away from beating the all-time high score.
I could absolutely see a not-too-distant future where competitors of megacorps have their assets attacked by the government’s military.
I find it amusing how nobody noticed when Valve changed their name to Valve Corporation ages ago, and people keep referring to it as Valve Software.
If you think about it, all sorts of fucked up things that are happening now have been portrayed as a bad thing in past media: Virtual words, virtual-fuckin’ land (not 100% sure this one is real, still really hoping its not), misuse of AI, smart houses, where everything is controlled by a remote (which relies on electricity / wi-fi), even stuff like alexa, which is listening to every word you say, at your home…
Pretty much. Welcome to the fucking future I guess. There’s no flying cars and green cities and happiness or bloody universal healthcare, instead we have corpos trying to turn us into their consumer slaves and governments turning authoritarian. Just do what you’re told and buy more. Don’t ask questions don’t think just browse TikTok, improve your social credit score, and imprint more ads into your psyche until WW3.
We’re walking into hell with our eyes wide open fuck me it hurts.
or bloody universal healthcare
I guess it depends on where you live. It’s not true of the whole world.
Murica. Yeehaw.
Dude “X corp” totally sounds dystopian lmfao
Yea, X Corps definitely becomes the manufacturer of the protein bar machines on snowpiercer
Normal people reading dystopian fiction: “wow, the author really portrayed well the downfall of humanity if we were to go down the wrong path”
Billionaires reading dystopian fiction: “hey, you know what…”
Those names were always parodying the names of actual corporations. I’m pretty sure Weyland Yutani is basically supposed to be like Lockheed Mitsubishi
Waiting for Weyland-Yutani…
building better worlds
When I think about the fact that Facebook thought it was a good idea to name their online VR platform “the metaverse“ it still breaks my brain a little bit
Theranos sounded like a superhero villain. I guess it kind of was?
You didn’t mention Facebook? That’s super dystopian to me. What’s a face book if not a large collection of identities being monitored?
It sounds like a cursed item in D&D or something.
The Book of Faces Wondrous Item, very rare
This enchanted tome magically records the likeness each humanoid slain in its vicinity, preserving a snapshot of their life and memories. The book can be read to glean superficial information about it’s subjects. As an action, you can tear a page from the book to summon a ghostly spirit of its subject, which will be magically compelled to answer questions. The spirit knows nothing the owner did not know in life.
The Demon Lord Elgor Ithym is said to have a keen interest in this book…
👌🏼Pure delight
Now do it for MySpace and Twitter!
What’s a face book if not a large collection of identities being monitored?
Well, historically (and I mean in the 1990s) it was a collection of names and photographs of all the new students at your college, to help in meeting people and/or to see who’s hot.