Half of the Gaza strips population are kids under 15, this cunt deserve a slow torturous fucking death for what he’s done.
If this fuck knuckle had an ounce of human decency, he could of simply annexed the Gaza strip to Egypt. Theyre at least tolerant of both Christians and Muslims.
You can’t defeat hamas militarily. They are a terrorist group, they want to be attacked as viciously as possible, because that creates more recruits for them.
Its been proven time and time again and yet every single time these old fucking cranks do not understand that.
You are enjoying your peace through two fucking world wars. Deal with it.
Cannot with military my ass.
Hoooo boy. He’s legitimately trying to turn this into a holy war for Israelis. This is going to get messy (well, messier than it is already).
Invoking Christian text too. That way he can unify the Christian right on the side of Israel.
Defeating Hamas?
A war against Hamas that targets civilians is just going to create more Hamas.
You kill 100 civilians for every 4 Hamas fighters, all you end up with is 10 new Hamas fighters from the relatives of the civilian dead.
He’s delusional.
Thats why I honestly believe that he just wants to genozide all Palestinians and grab the remaining land. Thats the only possible end to this conflict if Israel stays on this path. And it was on this path since 70 years, so why stop now? The colonization of North America had a similiar pattern. Settle deeper and deeper in the territory of the other group and if they attack you, strike back ten times harder. Repeat until they have no suitable land left. It’s making me sick that we have to watch this shit in our times and that our politicians allow it or even support it.
Where in NA is that happening?
If you read carefully, you will notice that the commenter used the past tense: “had” = simple past tense of the verb “to have”.
I love it that I asked a question and noone really cares to answer but down vote me to hell and back. Also someone will snob me from the side telling me about the comment of the guy I asked a question to???
You’re being downvoted because it’s a stupid question. It’s not happening currently in NA; they’re making a comparison to the historical colonization that happened there.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. That’s at least what the Sesame Street told me as a child. People should be less entitled and maybe just share information?
There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
I’m sorry, but this is one of those. There are questions that are stupid. There are questions that mislead. There are questions that strongly imply a falsehood. There are questions that insult the audience or the person it’s directed to.
You did some of that by wholly misunderstanding a comment and thinking the commenter was daft. It’s insulting and you’re busy being concerned about your hurt feelings and down votes that don’t even add to user karma.
Example: when did you stop beating your SO?
It’s an obnoxious and insulting question.
Don’t trot out a trite thing we tell children so they don’t do stupid things. We’re grown here, we know better - or we should.
Organized religion can get fucked along with all these deathmongers using “god” as an excuse to kill or harm others.
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That and Malaria.
“We all will have to provide answers to what happened on Oct. 7, myself included — but only after the war,” said Netanyahu.
So he wants more time for war crimes before anyone charges him with war crimes. And he’s referencing biblical prophecy and all but calling it a holy war. The man has lost his mind clearly.
The people of Israel and his supporters are on the hook as well.
Never again means never again, for any people.
If we actually start punishing genocide, there’s going to be a long line before Israel.
Unfortunately, squeaky wheel gets the grease
Makes sense to start in reverse order.
Wrong. You start with those who are doing genocide now and you go backwards.
Netanyahu use “Activate Evangelicals” on Republicans
Its super effective!
What’s funny is that saying Isaiah’s Prophecy will be fulfilled is completely opposite to Christianity, since Christians believe is already was fulfilled with the birth of Jesus.
Bruh you think they’ve actually read and understood the old testament?