AI CEOs be like
Online Communism 😃
Real Life Communism 😠
Me, literally training a neutral net to generate pictures of carrot cakes right now:
Never forget: businesses do not own data about you. The data belongs to the data subject, businesses merely claim a licence to use it.
I feel the current AI crawling bots + “opt-out your data” tactic is ingeniously evil.
One thing I’ve started to think about for some reason is the problem of using AI to detect child porn. In order to create such a model, you need actual child porn to train it on, which raises a lot of ethical questions.
Cloudflare says they trained a model on non-cp first and worked with the government to train on data that no human eyes see.
It’s concerning there’s just a cache of cp existing on a government server, but it is for identifying and tracking down victims and assailants, so the area could not be more grey. It is the greyest grey that exists. It is more grey than #808080.