For most people, passive income is a bit of extra pocket change that requires minimal effort to earn to supplement a main source of income. For Steve Ballmer, it’s $1 billion.
t a x
t h e
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At, say, 90% above 2m earnings and also bring in a generous estate tax - one which would trigger above some large value, say 10m$ so that a lucky rando with a house isn’t hit, but someone with 9 digit net worth is.
And yes, they do sit on a ton of this cash. Buying yachts, flipping artworks and building bunkers in New Zealand aren’t exactly productive investments. And yes, a large amount gets invested here and there but it would still be better to deconcentrate this.
You want to tax existing assets? How on earth is that supposed to work? You just make people liquidate assets to pay a tax? The idea of taxing an unrealised gain is ridiculous
For the record he is paying 200M in tax on that income. Though I agree 20% is probably too low here, that’s up to your govt to fix and isn’t a failure of capitalism but of the specific implementation
Yes, I would make people sell off excess property to pay taxes, why not? It would take some fine tuning of course byt how else are you willing to fight the wealth gap?
t a x t h e r i c h At, say, 90% above 2m earnings and also bring in a generous estate tax - one which would trigger above some large value, say 10m$ so that a lucky rando with a house isn’t hit, but someone with 9 digit net worth is.
And yes, they do sit on a ton of this cash. Buying yachts, flipping artworks and building bunkers in New Zealand aren’t exactly productive investments. And yes, a large amount gets invested here and there but it would still be better to deconcentrate this.
You want to tax existing assets? How on earth is that supposed to work? You just make people liquidate assets to pay a tax? The idea of taxing an unrealised gain is ridiculous
For the record he is paying 200M in tax on that income. Though I agree 20% is probably too low here, that’s up to your govt to fix and isn’t a failure of capitalism but of the specific implementation
Yes, I would make people sell off excess property to pay taxes, why not? It would take some fine tuning of course byt how else are you willing to fight the wealth gap?