Over 50 per cent of users may shun social media by 2025 as misinformation, toxicity grow::A Gartner survey found that 53 per cent of consumers believe the current state of social media has decayed compared to either the prior year or five years ago.
Over 50 per cent of users may shun social media by 2025 as misinformation, toxicity grow::A Gartner survey found that 53 per cent of consumers believe the current state of social media has decayed compared to either the prior year or five years ago.
you fucking retard.
interacting with other people is “social”.
the word “social” isn’t defined by, or have anything to do with holiday photos you spoon.
is content submitted by users as opposed to site owners only? that’s social media.
hopefully you learnt something today, but given what a stupid piece of shit you seem to be, I doubt it.
You keep shoveling that shit in your mouth while insisting its the worlds most delicious food.
lol English is hard for you, isn’t it?
Sure buddy.
baby, you don’t have any buddies, pals or friends.
Sure buddy.