Which waterproof fabric is best?


I have discovered cloaks, and I am going nuts making them. I have bought so much fabric in the past few days alone. They are so warm and so easy to make! However, I would like to make one that suits the purpose for which they were invented, so that I may wear it outside in the rain. Are there any good waterproof fabrics that won’t fuck up my fiancée’s #sewing machine?

Asking here because I don’t know what I am doing.


  • Porto881@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I don’t have much experience with sewing or machine-compatible fabrics, but have you considered waxing normal cotton? I put a few coats of Sno-Seal on my jacket at the start of every winter and it does a good job of waterproofing and adds another layer of insulation

    • Xilabar the Dice Goblin@dice.campOP
      1 year ago

      @PP_BOY_ That is actually what they did in mideval Europe. If memory serves (not speaking from experience btw, talking directly from anus) it adds about a pound per foot, and if you wash it with soap/detergent you gotta start all over.

      Plus, the wax seeps through the fabric (according to a larper I follow on youtube) and I wanted this to be two layers like a coat; waterproof on top, fuzzy on bottomI do not feel like disassembling my cloak whenever I want to properly clean it lol