lol. has anyone found ways to optimize starfield for their pc, like reducing stuttering, FPS drops, etc?

    2 years ago

    Fuck man what is going on?? I’m on a 3060 on ultra 1080p getting about 90fps most of the time and 45 in cities

    What’s your FPS with the DLSS mod?

      2 years ago

      With the DLSS-FG mod and the settings outlined here I am getting 65-90 with the “Quality” settings on the 4060ti. Without the DLSS-FG mod and those exact same settings, i will get 24-40ish. 24-30 in places like New Atlantis, 40 ish in places like caves and such.

      For the my 1070 (TL:DR my house was hit by lightning, which took out my 3060 12 GB and I had to use a backup) and my 1650ti-max-q i basically need to turn the settings preset to low, then turn the indirect shadows to medium (there seems to be a bug with textures being really blurry if low), and then set FSR scaling back up to 100 manually. With that, i will get about 30-35 FPS. These are on the lower end of the hardware requirements. The 4060TI finally came in around the 5th, and its been quite a nice improvement, but its a shame this game needs mods to play at 60 FPS at all.

      That said the game plays alright at 30 FPS. especially if you opt to use a controller and some slight motion blur. If you try a KB+M at 30FPS, its pretty rough since the camera movements are much more precise and responsive. I learned with Fallout76 that Bethesda really only seems to develop and playtest with a controller, and thus, trying to force using a KB+M can work, but can be buggy. I dont really mind outputting to my TV and playing on the couch though. Its a nice relaxing experience vs sitting in an office chair.