Former president’s body odor was called into question by a former congressman
Adam Kinzinger, a former Republican representative, encouraged people to ‘wear a mask’ when they’re in the presence of former president Donald Trump due to his apparent odor.
Mr Kinzinger, a vocal critic of Mr Trump, took to his Twitter account this week to insinuate that the former president possesses a strong smell.
“I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor,” Mr Kinzinger wrote earlier this week.
“It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can,” he added.
The accusation garnered a lot of attention on the platform, with many mocking the former president for his alleged smell.
This is brilliant. Attack his vanity. His level of narcissism can’t function if his vanity is in question.
Just look at how he loses his shit over any mention of a Russia golden shower tape. It doesn’t matter if it actually exists because you can still use it to troll him and influence his actions.
he loses his shit
Hence the diapers, and I assume also the stank.
Hey, his shit doesn’t steek. Just ask his cult. It’s freedom fragrance .\
My take on the piss tape: It exists - and it shows him with underaged/minor participants.
Explains completely why trump is Putin’s obedient pet, doesn’t it? He doesn’t care for the pissing, that’s a negligible kink - but not even trump could get out of a CP law suit.
I wouldn’t say it isn’t that…
Donald Trump used to “stroll right in” to the dressing room of beauty pageants while the contestants - some of whom were teenagers - were naked or half-dressed, a former model has claimed.
Trump later recalled Epstein in those days. “Terrific guy,” he famously told New York magazine. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Not just former models claiming this, TRUMP HIMSELF has claimed that he’s purposely walked into underage dressing rooms.
“You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”
From the rumors I heard, it’s not even a pee sex tape thing. He was in a hotel room that Obama had stayed in and he was so petty that he wanted two girls to pee on the mattress as he watched in some twisted “get back at Obama” fashion. (I’m sure Obama was really hurt by that. So wounded!)
It would have been pointlessly petty which is totally on brand for Trump.
I have heard that too and I seriously doubt Trump would find that embarrassing or not share it for some other reason. It sounds like something he would brag about.
My theory is that there’s no pee tape but there is tape of him with a child that looks extremely similar to his daughter.
Or a tape with his daughter? shudder
Not everybody would put this beyond him.
Not his actual daughter just some underage girl that bears a striking resemblance.
If the pee tape existed he would have described it in detail while claiming no such thing exists by now.
The only reason I don’t believe this is that I completely believe that he believes he could get out of absolutely anything.
Part of the Kompromat treatment is showing both the carrot and the stick. Trump thinks he can get away with stuff unless he’s shown his plan would fail, like using social media troll farms plant or leak details that would turn people against him. Or maybe using someone like Julian Assange as an example of Russian tying off a loose asset to show Trump that he doesn’t have an embassy to sleep in - except Russia.
Just show Trump what he gains and how hard he would have to fight if he disagrees to flip him in an instant.
He can barely get into the suits he already has.
It always looks like he borrowed his big brother’s suit to wear to a school dance.
Well, we know a FAKE tape exists, it’s mentioned in the Mueller report:
"According to the report, on October 30th, 2016, Trump’s private attorney and fixer Michael Cohen received a text from a Russian businessman involved in the Trump Tower Moscow deal, in progress for more than a year. “Stopped flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if there’s anything else. Just so you know….” Giorgi Rtskhiladze wrote to Cohen. Cohen told investigators he spoke to Trump about the issue after receiving the texts from Rtskhiladze.
Rtskhiladze later admitted he had been told the tapes were fake, but he did not communicate that to Cohen, the report says."
P is for Pedo
Kinzinger is working trump like a piece of clay . It’s so easy to do and I don’t understand why more people don’t do it.
Trumps personality disorders control every aspect of his life. He’s incapable of not responding and he’s completely unaware of how stupid and childish it makes him look.
And he’s been this way for quite some time. A journalist once said Trump has small hands and Trump literally sent the guy photos of his hands for decades afterwards to show how big they were. (And this article was from 2015. If he’s still sending the photos, it would be over 30 years now.)
Imagine being so insecure that you feel the need to respond to a personal slight for that long afterwards! If someone insulted my appearance on a message board in 1998, I wouldn’t still be posting there in 2023 with “proof” that they were wrong.
Most of us don’t have the resources to carry out something like this so we’re forced to learn to forget. Imagine having your worst instincts be unlimited by a lack of resources? That’s what it must belike to be Donald.
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Ummm… 2015 was 9 years ago, not 30. That would be 1993-1994 at this point
The article was written in 2015 stating he’s been receiving pictures for 25 years.
Gotcha, I thought the article written in 2015 was when he started sending pics, based on just reading your comment
Make up increasingly ridiculous accusations about Trump’s appearance, etc. and claim you heard them from a source close to Trump. When pressed on the source, say John Barron called you personally to tell you that Trump prefers pink diapers with unicorns on them or whatever.
We are officially at the ‘you’re smelly’ stage of American politics.
His cootie status is at present still unknown.
Nah, I’m pretty sure he got cooties when that hooker peed on him
Smart money’s on said individual being a minor and that they got cooties from him.
Bill Gates wants you to get the Cootie shot so NASA can track you with 5G antifa satellites and chemtrails.
Did you see Ted Cruz trying to convince people that Biden shits his pants because he’s old?
What the fuck is happening in American politics?
And he said it in the most childish way possible too. It wasn’t childish enough to accuse Biden of shitting his pants because he’s old. He called him “poopy pants” because he has the mentality of a 6-year-old.
Typical GOP tactic - accuse others of the things you do.
And their response is literally “you farted!”
No fart, no fart, you’re the fart!
Lmao that was the best part of the article. “Trump smells? Well you farted!” Wtf has this world come to?
Honestly. I prefer it.
Next we should have world leaders fight 1 on 1 anytime they declare war
Geopolitical Deathmatch! Stone Cold can host and announce!
Lock the cage and leave them in there!
I can hear the chanting now
Feed twenty through a chute, 1 at a time so only two fight at a time.
The winner gets to go through the only other door to face a “random” surprise…
I don’t know what’s worse.
The fact that here we are, or the fact that, apparently, it works.
Trump lowered the bar, shit on it, lowered it again, and we’ve been stuck in his loop since before 2016.
Except he is. One of my family members was on his communications detail. Trump was also literally slimy, the few times they shook hands.
When reached for comment about the accusation, a spokesperson for Mr Trump returned the insult to Mr Kinzinger.
“Adam Kinzinger farted on live TV and is an unemployed fraud,” the spokesperson said in a statement provided to The Independent.
Not only do I doubt he ever farted on live TV, but if that spokesperson thinks a fart gives you a constant smell, they really need to visit their doctor.
This is LITERAL 5 year old level insult slinging going on between the ex president and an ex congressman. Im so sick of politicians being such pathetic wastes of space
Did you expect any other response from Mr. “No puppet, no puppet, you’re the puppet”?
That Fucking Guy habitually says lies in threes like that to incant them to be accepted as true
My god, I live in this timeline
Yup, we’re the post-capitalist equivalent of the butter-passing robot.
“What is my purpose?”
“You watch the world fall apart while the people who broke it tell each other they smell bad.”
“Oh god.”
Also, since Trump isn’t president and his company is being shut down, isn’t he unemployed too?
You mean angrily typing into your phone to post messages on TruthSocial all day until 3 a.m. and then starting again 2 hours later isn’t a job?
He decided not to seek re-election and works for CNN…
If you’re the editor of “The Onion” what do you publish when this is reality?
LOL that’s gold
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Adult diapers and their contents.
God I hope someone calls him pissboy on stage but the current crop of GOP contenders are all toadying for VP so I doubt that will happen.
Vivek Ramaswamy would piss his own pants in commiseration with Trump
I’m pissing my pants in solidarity and I demand that everyone else does the same!
If peeing your pants is cool, consider me miles davis.
you know… I’ll take back most of the things I said about Biden if Biden does this during the regular campaign season. it’d be even better than the “Will you shut up” moment.
“Body odor”
It’s probably the shit in his diaper.
He was using his bathroom in Mar A Lago as a document storage closet. it was probably more than “just” that.
On Stage one of the candidates starts sniffing:
Wait a minute, did someone here make a Boom-boom?
It’s not fault his diaper is full when Malania isn’t there to change him.
That wasn’t in her employment contract.
Oops, you got a letter wrong. It’s spelled with an r, not an n.
In English (UK), the word “Trump” means “fart”.
e.g. “Eurgh! It stinks of rotten eggs! Who’s trumped?”
“It smells bad in here. Has someone done a trump?”
“Oh god, would you please stop trumping!”
“Go out into the corridor if you need to trump”
Is this the origin of trumpet? A horn to make fart noises?
It’s a good point actually, I’d sort of assumed it was the other way round, for farts that sound like trumpets.
Does Trump smell like shit?
What do trump’s depends smell like?
[Trump’s Depends™ smell like a 50 year old frog who has been fisted by dozens of creepy puppeteers while drinking lipton] confirmed.
Thank you.
Which is more likely to happen? Republicans start questioning if Trump smells or if Republicans start pissing their pants in support of Ex President Full Diaper?
Vivek is showing up to the next debate in Depends.
They’re very supportive
Jingle Bells, Donald smells…
50 miles away.
Jr. came from egg.
That’s hilarious! I bet he’s fuming 😂
“I’m so stinking mad” Trump (probably)
It’s funny that donnie gets upset about this, but doesn’t seem that bothered about other accusations.
What’s funnier is it’s one of the few things he has any possibility of fixing about himself and yet he can’t.
Hygiene is for woke pussies.