‘Flying aliens’ harassing village in Peru are actually illegal miners with jetpacks, cops say::Authorities announced their theory after visiting the isolated Indigenous community where the attacks took place.
‘Flying aliens’ harassing village in Peru are actually illegal miners with jetpacks, cops say::Authorities announced their theory after visiting the isolated Indigenous community where the attacks took place.
Read the article right to the end. And think about why illegal miners might want to drive the locals away. And what illegal mining is. The people funding it are not poor and they do have a great deal to gain by not having witnesses around to report on their activities, or to stop them mining their land.
Dude… they don’t need no jetpacks for that. They can just do what they usually do. Do you think an illegal mining company is going to invest (and possibly R&D) in fucking jetpacks rather than just sorting it out the way they always have (which is roughly the cost of an AK and two mags for the AK).
That’s some Scooby-Doo level shit