Just letting you know of new site we are building.
- For now we will mainly focus on PC games.
- Sharing releases via p2p only (torrents).
- Friendly community.
- Sha256 checksums of release files so you can alway check the files are clean (no viruses, no malware).
- You will find in our community only the UNPACKED releases! No zip, rar, iso, just unpacked files.
- You can request releases.
As a Linux user, I want to give you my sincerest thanks after going through so many broken unpackings from both FitGirl and Dodi
PSA, FitGirl and Dodi setups do fail during installations on Proton and Lutris Wine, but if you were to run them using vanilla Wine they (generally) work perfectly. Just open a terminal in the downloaded folder and enter
wine ./setup.exe
. Just make sure you set the correct installation folder (e.g.Z:/home/username/games
)Update: the latest FitGirl setup for Cyberpunk 2077 didn’t work on either