Please vote with your money. Don’t waste money and buy overpriced stuff and certainly don’t support this kind of business practice. And fuck the shareholders too. If they want money, then work like most people.
I do not understand all the rage, Apple does not provide any vital services or products. They can charge anything they want. If you don’t like it then don’t buy it.
I thought this was about a cereal for a hot second.
“Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell”
The stock price will fall if we don’t make more money then we did last year.
- But why?
Because we are legally obliged to do what is best for shareholder, or they can sue us.
- Right so the company needs to make more money again and again and again until the company or the world dies
About sums it up
Accurate. The laws need to find a balance as I get shareholders who took a risk on business would like to see a return, but it is way too slanted to the point that the risk is on our entire society. We need people to be in those laws not just shareholders.
Now tell us again how their devices are better than any Android.
As I remember cameras hardware is more advanced (correct me if I’m wrong)
Dang. That zany Kellogg’s cereal that the cool frog sells makes $19 billion a year 😳
Private company, they can do whatever they like. Also, I can purchase phones from whomever I like. This is a non-story.
What are they making you buy it?