It’s possible. Might be an exaggeration but also entirely possible for this army. They have to set aside some time to learn tactics to terrorize Palestinians you know, and boot camp only lasts so long.
Just over the past two weeks there’s been at least 5 reports of the IDF shooting at each other by mistake.
Here’s just one video: (settler shot by either another settler or IDF). This channel generally catalogues them but it’s all in French. I can try searching for more posts but I’m not sure which keywords they used in the posts.
Shit, if they’re using our tactics, it probably lasts south of 3 months tops; with no more than another 3 for whatever tech training equivalent they’ve got.
It’s possible. Might be an exaggeration but also entirely possible for this army. They have to set aside some time to learn tactics to terrorize Palestinians you know, and boot camp only lasts so long.
Just over the past two weeks there’s been at least 5 reports of the IDF shooting at each other by mistake.
I’ve heard rumors of these but have not seen a single article about it. Do you have one handy?
Here’s just one video: (settler shot by either another settler or IDF). This channel generally catalogues them but it’s all in French. I can try searching for more posts but I’m not sure which keywords they used in the posts.
Shit, if they’re using our tactics, it probably lasts south of 3 months tops; with no more than another 3 for whatever tech training equivalent they’ve got.