Improvement in material conditions along with (admittedly potentially heavy-handed) deradicalization and re-education campaigns
Glad for them, the western efforts to sanction and blockade Ughyur trade was going to harm all the people there (as sanctions are basically always guaranteed to do). The West is well aware of this of course, this is why they use sanctions to “punish” opposition so it’s sure strange they’re willing to use that tool against the people they claim are being genocided.
This shows they are exactly aware how the terrorism is born and that the Chinese way of countering it is so far the most successful one, so they wanted to push region back into misery to again create terrorist threat.
Simply monsters.
Imagine telling Stalin that in 70 years a communist country will beat the shit out of the collective West at international trade.
Woah you mean there is a whole world beyond the US that countries can trade with?
What do you mean the world isn’t just America, Canada and Western Europe?
It’s kind of hilarious how the west is basically cutting itself out of the global economy now. The thing western leaders don’t seem to comprehend is that the west doesn’t actually produce much of anything material nowadays. The west is largely just a consumer market for goods created outside the west, and as other countries are rapidly developing, western market becomes increasingly less relevant.
the west still produces a lot of IP, but guess what, that’s the easiest fucking thing to just steal.
At this point China surpasses the west both in quantity and quality of research. I expect we’ll be seeing a lot more west stealing from China than the other way around going forward.